Martedì, 16 Luglio 2024 - 06:29:41
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+39 373 8643849

Expand your company by slowly transforming it into a Circular Coop in your area. Start by selling your products online with our e-commerce and propose them to Buying Groups. Cooperate and network with other producers in your area.

  1. Subscribe to E-circles
  2. Register your company, enter the price list, accurately describing your products and your production principles.
  3. Activate payments by Credit card, PayPal and Bank Transfer and launch your free E-commerce. There are no commission on sales.
  4. Apply offers on some of your products and we will send them to all our subscribers every Tuesday. It's a great way to get known by Buying Groups.
  5. Start planning, if you haven't already, a transition to a more environmentally friendly production model. By moving from selling to large distribution to end customers, you will have a huge increase in profit that you can reinvest in quality.
  6. Put your production waste online, which can become resources for other companies.
  7. Get in touch with other local producers, possibly less technological than you, and start cooperating with them, unifying your pricelists to offer customers a wider offer and therefore an optimization of shipping costs.
  8. Create a business network with other producers, taking advantage of any incentives linked to regional tenders.
  9. Start a Buying Group together with the other producers, organize a Withdrawal Point to sell your products locally in an efficient way.
  10. Open the orders and promote the Buying Group among friends and on social networks. People will be able to register and start ordering the products they will receive at home or collect at the Withdrawal Point.
  11. Install self-service automatic dispensers of detergents on tap in the Withdrawal Point in order to reuse the containers.
  12. As the Buying Group grows, join our free training courses on Circular Economy.
  13. Fill in the Business Plan of your E-circler activity in the area in a guided way and use it to contact local institutions and to participate in European calls, 2021/27 programming in which the Circular Economy will be a very important Focus.
  14. Get a room from your municipality to use as a Withdrawal Point. It must be large enough to contain a refrigerator and shelves, allow deliveries, have space to organize meetings and courses.
  15. After reaching around 200 families, you could evolve your shop into a cooperative. A much larger room will be needed, where it will also be possible to set up workshops.
  16. Buy a refrigerated electric van for home deliveries.
  17. Set up a carpentry shop in the workshop that uses the timber obtained from fallen trees in the cities and destined for the mecero to produce various objects. It will serve to train young people interested in the carpentry profession.
  18. Promote the awareness that repairing is better than replacing. Choose or organize the training of artisans who practice forgotten trades (cobblers, tailors, coppersmiths, grinders, mattress makers, etc.) both to repair objects and to package new ones, of great quality and durability.
  19. Install on the Store the latest generation photovoltaic panels and columns for recharging electric vehicles.
  20. Offer your customers the containers for super-differentiated waste collection. Coffee grounds, used oil, egg shells, orange peels, are just some of the types of waste used as raw materials for producers.
  21. Install a machine for community composting, which allows everyone to deposit organic waste and collect the compost.
  22. Continue to attend training courses and offer a consulting service to companies and local institutions in the Circular Economy.
  23. Use a space of about 10 square meters to begin to grow mushrooms using the coffee grounds you are harvesting as a substrate.
  24. To be continued...