Tuesday, 22 October 2024 - 19:17:24

What is it about?

LOCAL & Green is a territorial sales method designed mainly for shops and cooperatives, but also for producers and artisans who want to activate local home deliveries. The service aims to offer buyers fresh and high quality local products, minimizing the environmental impact and delivery costs. LOCAL & Green can be combined with the Zero Waste service.

The purchase is made and paid online on E-circles by the customer who can collect the order himself or have it delivered to his home. For products sold by weight, such as vegetables or meat, it is possible to allow the manager to weigh them before activating the payment.

The withdrawal in the company can take place, as well as at the manufacturer or store, also in other places where the manager will be regularly present during the week, for example in the local market of a given municipality.

Home delivery is optimized thanks to the subdivision into zones of the territory surrounding the company: each zone will include one or more neighboring municipalities in which delivery is scheduled on one or more days of the week. For example, you will deliver on Monday morning in two municipalities, on Monday afternoon in another 3 and so on.

The pricelist can also be used for placing orders by Buying Groups that may be interested in your products.

  1. Sign up personally at E-circles.org
  2. Register your company or store
  3. Enter theprice list. If your supplier is already present on E-circles, you can use its price list to create yours, by clicking on the right menu, STORE (or MANUFACTURER): Manage suppliers
  4. Activate E-commerce, payment by credit card, PayPal, Satispay or bank transfer
  5. Activate the collection in the company
  6. Specify different withdrawal locations on certain days of the week
  7. Activate home delivery by choosing the straight line radius you want to reach with deliveries
  8. For each municipality in this area you can select the day, the time period and the delivery costs

If you want more visibility, we can organize a marketing campaign on Social Networks, optimized to reach only the municipalities concerned. Furthermore, the managers will be able to contact customers weekly through a newsletter.

How is it activated?

You just have to follow the following steps:

At this point your local E-commerce is fully operational, ready to collect orders.

How much does it cost?

There are no commissions on sales.


to register your Company

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