What is it about?
Online Stands offers producers and artisans the opportunity to create an E-commerce, aimed at individual buyers.Thanks to the possibility of inserting offers in our weekly newsletter, the visibility of the products is also guaranteed to the registered Purchase Groups. Here are the features of the service:
- Company web page with description and contacts
- E-commerce with payments by credit card, PayPal, Satispay, bank transfer
- Withdrawal in the company, it is also possible to specify qithdrawal locations on particular days of the week, for example local markets
- Local home delivery, in LOCAL & Green mode, with the possibility of specifying, municipality by municipality, the delivery days and related expenses in a circle with a radius of up to 100 Km
- Shipping by courier in Italy or abroad, with definable costs based on the amount or weight of the order
- Very detailed product description
- Quick insertion and management of price lists, possibility to automatically update the price list from your e-commerce
- The products in the price list will be automatically added to our shops on social networks
- The price list can be used for the rapid creation of the lists of purchasing groups and shops and for the rapid creation of shops on Facebook and Instagram, using our Social shop service.
- Insertion of offers, with start and end date, in a dedicated page and in our weekly newsletter that we send to all users, a fantastic opportunity to make yourself visible to buying groups
- Possibility of weighing products and modifying the amounts before payment
- Warehouse management, packages, minimum order
- Automatic compilation of customized excel order forms by purchasing groups
- Possibility to contact purchasing groups and shops
- Possibility of receiving contacts from potential customers and requests for quotes
- Possibility to activate the Zero Waste service
How is it activated?
- Sign up personally at E-circles.org
- Register your company
- Enter the products in the pricelist, choosing up to three for the showcase
- Activate at least one delivery method: withdrawal in the company, home delivery or shipping by courier
- Activate E-commerce
- Edit some products to include offers
- Contact the Buyng Groups and the Stores once a month
When you receive an order from the E-commerce you will find information on the page for the header of the transport document and the invoice that will be issued on a monthly basis. As for orders from buying groups, you will have a direct relationship with them, so for the delivery and payment methods, agree with the referrer.
How much does it cost?
There are no sales commissions.
to register your Company
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