Foodcooper's comments
elisabetta.borgioli (I'Gasse di Prato)
12-11-2020, 18:46:55
to write a review
Company affected by Natural Disaster: Tuscany flood October 2023.
We breed pigs thirty years from Cinta Senese.
We sell cuts of meat, ham, salami DOP.
Via Borghetto 15
59021 Vaiano (PO)
I'Gasse di Prato
I'Gasse di Prato
Prato (PO)
Azienda agricola Casanova per I'Gasse di Prato self-certifies the above informations. E-circles at the time had not yet verified the veracity of the information published in this section.
Via Borghetto 15, 59021 Vaiano (PO) - Italia
elisabetta.borgioli (I'Gasse di Prato)
12-11-2020, 18:46:55
to write a review
07-05-2021, 13:05:13