Tuesday, 25 February 2025 - 20:23:33
Show Azienda agrozootecnica bio Cifuni on the map
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owned by Giuseppe Cifuni


The Company

Azienda agrozootecnica bio Cifuni participates to the Social Economy networks & districts: DES Lombardia, DES Varese, Ecosol Bologna, DES Brescia, DES Groane Nord Milano, DESR Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, DES Val Brembana, DES Brianza, DES Reggio Emilia, Filiera corta solidale, DES Parma, DES Firenze, Rete GAS Marche, RES Puglia, Rete G.A.S. Puglia, DES Pavese, Rete GAS Lazio, DES Rimini, DES Ferrara, InterGAS Milano, Rete di GASAP di Bruxelles, Rete dei Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale dell'Alto Adige, Coordinamento GAS Treviso, DES Treviso.

The Farm Animal Husbandry Biological Cifuni Joseph is a family business and was founded by the strong bond with the land and the passion that we put into this work.

Our company aims to raise awareness and bring to light the ancient traditions of agriculture and sustainable farming. Our productions have the flavor of the earth and the sun of our land.

We raise cattle, goats and lambs and pigs in the wild with barley flour integration and field beans produced in our lands with organic farming. We breed the black pig of Basilicata or black pig Lucano, one of the indigenous breeds of pigs that lived in the territories of the continental noon. From this animal, typical of our land, we produce all types of sausages. All beef products, lambs, kids and pigs can be purchased at the butcher Raucci (run by my mother) located in Largo San Vito 5 Accettura. 0835-675153 Cell phone 3395091633.

Street address

via Bersaglieri 23
75011 Accettura (MT)

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