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The price refers to a europedana (80x120) including cost of shipping up to Verona and other Italian market must still add VAT to 4%
The price refers to a europedana (80x120) including cost of shipping up to Verona and other Italian market must still add VAT to 4%
The price refers to a europedana (80x120) including cost of shipping up to Verona and other Italian market must still add VAT to 4%
The price refers to a europedana (80x120) including cost of shipping up to Verona and other Italian market must still add VAT to 4%
Box of oranges
Box of 10 Kg gross, 9.4 Kg net, sent directly home with SDA for the asking price, even with VAT, we must add the cost of shipping, which depends on the weight: - 0-10 Kg (1 piece) € 13, 00 - 10-20 Kg (2 pieces) € 14, 50 - 20 - 30 Kg (3 parcels) € 16, 50 - 30 - 50 Kg (4/5 hills) € 18, 50
Box of 10 Kg gross, 9.4 Kg net, sent directly home with SDA for the asking price, even with VAT, we must add the cost of shipping, which depends on the weight: - 0-10 Kg (1 piece) € 13, 00 - 10-20 Kg (2 pieces) € 14, 50 - 20 - 30 Kg (3 parcels) € 16, 50 - 30 - 50 Kg (4/5 hills) € 18, 50
Mandarins, concentrated grape must of solid, lemon juice, fruit pectin 240 gr Jar Product by the company San Matteo The price shown is already discounted by 15% compared to the official list and inclusive of 10% VAT
Mulberries, must concentrated solid grape, lemon juice, pectin fruttaBarattolo 240 grProdotto by the company San MatteoIl indicated price is already discounted by 15% compared to the official list and inclusive of 10% VAT
Pesche, mosto d'uva concentrato, succo di limone, pectina di frutta
Fragole, mosto d'uva concentrato, succo di limone, pectina di frutta
Arance fresche, mosto d'uva concentrato solido, succo di limoni freschi, ginseng, guaranà
Prugne fresche, mosto d'uva concentrato, succo di limoni freschi, manna, malva
Mirtilli freschi, mosto d'uva concentrato solido, succo di limoni freschi, propoli, echinacea
More, mosto d'uva concentrato solido, succo di limone melissa, tiglio, camomilla, biancospino
Last product modified: PGI Red Orange Tarot Bio cal 4 from Bruscella Mario on 03-10-2023