Martedì, 03 Dicembre 2024 - 12:40:08

We are aware that the small / medium-sized companies make up the skeleton of every healthy economy, the essential starting point for economic recovery.

This project aims to support small businesses and to allow start-ups in different ways:

  • market: facilitating the delivery of quality products, local, organic, ecological, ethical, through the Foodcoops by providing them with the tools to facilitate management, communication and dissemination.
  • visibility: offering businesses a very detailed and featured prominently on search engines, where manufacturers can highlight their unique nature and the channels of communication through which they can present themselves to the Foodcoops.
  • advertising: through the formation of groups on social networks in which companies and customers can meet with mutual benefit.
  • know-how: by collecting and disseminating documents that highlight innovative production systems, more respectful of the quality of the product and the environment.



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Venerdì 01 Luglio 2016

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