Sabato, 14 Settembre 2024 - 05:19:48
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Deoiled Sesame Seeds Proteins 200g

Product Code


Deoiled Sesame Seeds Proteins 200g

€ 13,17

Quantity: 1 Package


Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)

Manufactured by


Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc. It adheres to the Certified Chain Project
Via Val di Busi 32 - Loc. Piamaggio, 40063 Monghidoro (BO) - Italia

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Product description

Manufactured 100% in Italy

Sesame Seed Protein: Nature's Versatile Superfood. Discover the power of sesame seeds in our plant-based protein powder. Packed with essential nutrients, it supports overall health and well-being. Its nutty flavor and low-fat content make it a delicious and versatile ingredient for a variety of recipes.


100% Italian Raw Organic Whole Sesame Seeds (last harvest only)

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