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Product Code
Ruby tricot tie
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 1 Piece
On offer until Lunedì 01 Gennaio 2024
Periodicity: 26 Ottobre - 31 Dicembre
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Sartoria Arte & Stile Soc Coop A R.L.
Via degli Abeti 132, 61122 Pesaro (PU) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Tricot tie cm. 6100% silk fabric
Artisanal processing of rice grain
Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.to write a review
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Tricot tie cm. 6 100% wool fabric Artisanal processing of rice grain Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Tricot tie cm. 6 100% wool fabric Artisanal processing of rice grain Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Tricot tie cm. 6
100% silk fabric
Artisanal processing of rice grain
Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Tricot tie cm. 6 100% silk fabric Artisanal processing of rice grain Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Tricot tie cm. 6 100% silk fabric Artisanal processing of rice grain Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Tricot tie cm. 6 100% wool fabric Artisanal processing of rice grain Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Tricot tie cm. 6 100% wool fabric Artisanal processing of rice grain Made in Italy
Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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