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Product Code
Semi di zucca tostati
€ 7,67Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 10 (10 Pz)
Manufactured by
C.da Sferro sn, 95047 Paternò (CT) - Italia
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Global Good Agricultural Practice Certification


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Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein, a treasure inspired by nature, is rich in high-quality protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Ideal for weight management and overall well-being, these proteins offer culinary versatility, enhancing both sweet and savory dishes with a refined pumpkin seed flavor. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw pumpkin seeds, deprived of their fat content.
100% Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
The outcome of this thoughtfully crafted and meticulously calculated blend, balancing both taste and nutritional benefits, results in the creation of raw, gluten-free, and grain-free treats with no added sugars or fats. They offer a well-balanced blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Our creamy base is the star ingredient, and we've sweetened them exclusively with nature's candy: fruit. These delectable treats are perfect for breakfasts, snacks, and appetizers, and are a fantastic addition to an athlete's diet. They pair beautifully with wines or cheeses. These are complete, concentrated, and light foods, recognized as "yang" or "warming" foods that help to heat the body, remineralize, and rapidly recharge it. Specifically, our Hazelnut, Cacao Nib, and Blueberry Truffles pair exceptionally well with robust red wines like Chianti or Sangiovese. Their high digestibility aids in liver detoxification. Rich in manganese, they provide excellent support for bones and joints. With their high energy value, they strengthen the body and immune system, making them ideal for those engaged in extreme and intense sports. Three per package
Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds Butter, Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds Crunch, Raw Organic Sunflower Seeds, Raw Organic Apricot Paste, Raw Organic Lime Powder. (all last harvest only)
Extra Virgin Pumpkin Seed Oil from Raw Austrian Seeds is an artisanal product from the heart of the Apennines. Organic Pumpkin Seeds, without any treatment, are mechanically pressed at temperatures not exceeding 40°C, preserving the characteristics of the beneficial fats contained in these oily seeds, as the seeds are from the latest harvest.
Organic Raw Pumpkin Seed Oil, a treasure trove of nutrients for your well-being. Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, it supports prostate health, the immune system, and heart health. With its characteristic flavor, it enhances salads, soups, pasta dishes, and desserts.
Organic Whole Raw Pumpkin Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Organic Austrian Raw Pumpkin Seed Butter, expertly crafted in our laboratory located in the picturesque Apennines. Each spread is produced only after receiving the order, ensuring freshness and authenticity delivered directly to your home.
The density of this delicious spread comes exclusively from untoasted Pumpkin Seeds, carefully harvested last summer. Their precious nature is preserved through a meticulous processing method, never exceeding 40°C, to maintain all the healthful properties of these Austrian organic seeds.
Scientific studies have shown the benefits of Pumpkin Seeds, recommending a daily intake of 30g. They possess powerful antioxidant properties and can have hypoglycemic effects. Additionally, they can help combat anemia and alleviate some anxiety disorders, contributing to your balance and well-being.
100% Whole Organic Raw Pumpkin Seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
I semi di zucca decorticati Mondo Sativa sono un alimento delizioso e nutriente. Oltre ad essere una fonte importante di proteine e fibre vegetali di qualità, contengono preziosi acidi grassi essenziali, vitamine e minerali, noti per la cura dell'ipertrofia prostatica benigna. Provali per arricchire insalate, yogurt, secondi piatti e zuppe. Ottimi anche come snack a tutte le ore, sia crudi che leggermente tostati. Sono tra i pochissimi semi di zucca EUROPEI sul mercato (i supermercati offrono quasi esclusivamente semi di origine cinese).
Semi di zucca bio decorticati
Extra Virgin Oil from Whole Raw Italian Sesame Seeds, a passionately crafted product in the heart of the Apennines.
With Ispica Sesame Seeds, without any treatment, our oil is mechanically extracted at low temperatures, never exceeding 40°C, thus preserving all the characteristics of the beneficial fats present in these oily seeds.
By choosing products from our company, you can be sure that you are consuming high-quality Ispica Sesame Seeds, completely natural and grown in sustainable fields using traditional Slow Food methods, guaranteed by its Presidium.
Raw Organic Untoasted Unpeeled Italian Sesame Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Various seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Cinque semi delle migliori varietà creano una miscela unica per colore, proprietà nutrizionali e versatilità in cucina. Zucca, sesamo, anacardi, girasole e chia conferiranno sapore e benessere ad ogni piatto. Il modo più semplice per utilizzarlo è aggiungerlo per impreziosire le tue insalate, ma puoi provarlo anche per arricchire il muesli, nello yogurt della colazione, per donare gusto e personalità a pane speciali e a squisite barrette. Puoi sbizzarrirti a usarlo per personalizzare svariate ricette. È un prodotto ad alto contenuto di fibre, fosforo, magnesio e rame.
Il primo olio ottenuto dalla spremitura a freddo simultanea dei migliori semi di zucca e canapa bio, selezionati con cura. Come gli altri oli biologici della gamma Mondo Sativa, anche questo blend ricercato è spremuto soltanto su richiesta, per offrirvi ciò che solo un olio appena spremuto può garantire. L'idea è di unire l'equilibrio unico di acidi grassi essenziali della canapa, con le note proprietà della zucca contro i disturbi della prostata. Il gusto è delicato e molto particolare, si sposa con ogni tipo di piatto.
Il primo olio ottenuto dalla spremitura a freddo simultanea dei migliori semi di zucca e canapa bio, selezionati con cura. Come gli altri oli biologici della gamma Mondo Sativa, anche questo blend ricercato è spremuto soltanto su richiesta, per offrirvi ciò che solo un olio appena spremuto può garantire. L'idea è di unire l'equilibrio unico di acidi grassi essenziali della canapa, con le note proprietà della zucca contro i disturbi della prostata. Il gusto è delicato e molto particolare, si sposa con ogni tipo di piatto.
Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein: Excellence in a naturally pure product. Our Oil-free Pumpkin Seed Plant Protein, a treasure inspired by nature, is rich in high-quality protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Ideal for weight management and overall well-being, these proteins offer culinary versatility, enhancing both sweet and savory dishes with a refined pumpkin seed flavor. These powders are obtained from the processing of organic whole raw pumpkin seeds, deprived of their fat content.
100% Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds (last harvest only)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
The outcome of this thoughtfully crafted and meticulously calculated blend, balancing both taste and nutritional benefits, results in the creation of raw, gluten-free, and grain-free treats with no added sugars or fats. They offer a well-balanced blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Our creamy base is the star ingredient, and we've sweetened them exclusively with nature's candy: fruit. These delectable treats are perfect for breakfasts, snacks, and appetizers, and are a fantastic addition to an athlete's diet. They pair beautifully with wines or cheeses. These are complete, concentrated, and light foods, recognized as "yang" or "warming" foods that help to heat the body, remineralize, and rapidly recharge it. Specifically, our Hazelnut, Cacao Nib, and Blueberry Truffles pair exceptionally well with robust red wines like Chianti or Sangiovese. Their high digestibility aids in liver detoxification. Rich in manganese, they provide excellent support for bones and joints. With their high energy value, they strengthen the body and immune system, making them ideal for those engaged in extreme and intense sports. Three per package
Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds Butter, Raw Organic Whole Pumpkin Seeds Crunch, Raw Organic Sunflower Seeds, Raw Organic Apricot Paste, Raw Organic Lime Powder. (all last harvest only)
Extra Virgin Pumpkin Seed Oil from Raw Austrian Seeds is an artisanal product from the heart of the Apennines. Organic Pumpkin Seeds, without any treatment, are mechanically pressed at temperatures not exceeding 40°C, preserving the characteristics of the beneficial fats contained in these oily seeds, as the seeds are from the latest harvest.
Organic Raw Pumpkin Seed Oil, a treasure trove of nutrients for your well-being. Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, it supports prostate health, the immune system, and heart health. With its characteristic flavor, it enhances salads, soups, pasta dishes, and desserts.
Organic Whole Raw Pumpkin Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Organic Austrian Raw Pumpkin Seed Butter, expertly crafted in our laboratory located in the picturesque Apennines. Each spread is produced only after receiving the order, ensuring freshness and authenticity delivered directly to your home.
The density of this delicious spread comes exclusively from untoasted Pumpkin Seeds, carefully harvested last summer. Their precious nature is preserved through a meticulous processing method, never exceeding 40°C, to maintain all the healthful properties of these Austrian organic seeds.
Scientific studies have shown the benefits of Pumpkin Seeds, recommending a daily intake of 30g. They possess powerful antioxidant properties and can have hypoglycemic effects. Additionally, they can help combat anemia and alleviate some anxiety disorders, contributing to your balance and well-being.
100% Whole Organic Raw Pumpkin Seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
I semi di zucca decorticati Mondo Sativa sono un alimento delizioso e nutriente. Oltre ad essere una fonte importante di proteine e fibre vegetali di qualità, contengono preziosi acidi grassi essenziali, vitamine e minerali, noti per la cura dell'ipertrofia prostatica benigna. Provali per arricchire insalate, yogurt, secondi piatti e zuppe. Ottimi anche come snack a tutte le ore, sia crudi che leggermente tostati. Sono tra i pochissimi semi di zucca EUROPEI sul mercato (i supermercati offrono quasi esclusivamente semi di origine cinese).
Semi di zucca bio decorticati
Extra Virgin Oil from Whole Raw Italian Sesame Seeds, a passionately crafted product in the heart of the Apennines.
With Ispica Sesame Seeds, without any treatment, our oil is mechanically extracted at low temperatures, never exceeding 40°C, thus preserving all the characteristics of the beneficial fats present in these oily seeds.
By choosing products from our company, you can be sure that you are consuming high-quality Ispica Sesame Seeds, completely natural and grown in sustainable fields using traditional Slow Food methods, guaranteed by its Presidium.
Raw Organic Untoasted Unpeeled Italian Sesame Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Various seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Cinque semi delle migliori varietà creano una miscela unica per colore, proprietà nutrizionali e versatilità in cucina. Zucca, sesamo, anacardi, girasole e chia conferiranno sapore e benessere ad ogni piatto. Il modo più semplice per utilizzarlo è aggiungerlo per impreziosire le tue insalate, ma puoi provarlo anche per arricchire il muesli, nello yogurt della colazione, per donare gusto e personalità a pane speciali e a squisite barrette. Puoi sbizzarrirti a usarlo per personalizzare svariate ricette. È un prodotto ad alto contenuto di fibre, fosforo, magnesio e rame.
Il primo olio ottenuto dalla spremitura a freddo simultanea dei migliori semi di zucca e canapa bio, selezionati con cura. Come gli altri oli biologici della gamma Mondo Sativa, anche questo blend ricercato è spremuto soltanto su richiesta, per offrirvi ciò che solo un olio appena spremuto può garantire. L'idea è di unire l'equilibrio unico di acidi grassi essenziali della canapa, con le note proprietà della zucca contro i disturbi della prostata. Il gusto è delicato e molto particolare, si sposa con ogni tipo di piatto.
Il primo olio ottenuto dalla spremitura a freddo simultanea dei migliori semi di zucca e canapa bio, selezionati con cura. Come gli altri oli biologici della gamma Mondo Sativa, anche questo blend ricercato è spremuto soltanto su richiesta, per offrirvi ciò che solo un olio appena spremuto può garantire. L'idea è di unire l'equilibrio unico di acidi grassi essenziali della canapa, con le note proprietà della zucca contro i disturbi della prostata. Il gusto è delicato e molto particolare, si sposa con ogni tipo di piatto.