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SEROTONIN PLUS - 60 Vegicaps da 450 mg
€ 19,00
Quantity: 1 Package
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Price for BG: € 17,88
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Manufactured by
Via Lucio Vero 2m - Loc. Musestre, 31050 Roncade (TV) - Italia
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Product Code
972600706Product description
Agente di carica: cellulosa; Rhodiola radice (Rhodiola Rosea l.) estratto secco titolato 3% rosavine e 1% salidroside; costituente della capsula vegetale: idrossipropilmetilcellulosa; Griffonia semi (Griffonia Simplicifolia (dc.) baill.) estratto secco titolato 95% 5HTP; agenti antiagglomeranti: magnesio stearato e biossido di silicio.Chosen by 2 Buying Groups
GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso - Carrara (MS) - VENEZIANO GAS - Venezia (VE)
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Manca del Bosco monocultivar carolea organic extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained from the milling of organic olives within 12 hours of harvesting, using a cold extraction method. At the sight golden yellow color with delicate green refl ections. On the nose it is characterized by intense notes of freshly mown grass, green tomato and an aftertaste of almonds. The taste is decisive and elegant with harmonious tones of artichoke and notes of dried fruit. The bitter and spicy are very balanced. Excellent on soups, salads, fish and meat.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
Béchamel: BioSurice (see product), cold-pressed coconut oil, Kamut wheat flour, iodized salt, nutmeg; Ragu '38%: tomato pulp, seitan (a type O common wheat flour, water, soy sauce (water, soybeans, whole wheat, sea salt), ginger, carrot, onion, white wine, extra virgin olive oil, iodized salt; Strachicco 12%: 48% BioSurice (see product), water, cold-pressed coconut oil, rice syrup, lemon juice, thickening agents: agar-agar, gum arabic, xanthan gum, locust bean gum , natural flavoring, wheat flour, water, dusted with rice flour - Validity ': 20 days, guaranteed delivery - CONSERVATION: in the refrigerator at + 4
CONTIENE: filtri solari minerali, oleolita di malva (*), altea*, calendula (*), olio di avocado, estratto dei semi di pongamia, olio di semi di girasole (*), vitamina E
Liquore a base di mallo di noci verdi, 38° (bottiglia da 20 cl)
MINERAL SOFTENER-based bentonite clay, sodium citrate, and lavender essential oil. Obtained without the quaternary ammonium 600 g x 24 washings
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The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from organic crops to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color which choose a better quality of life.
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