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Spirulina BIO ITALIA in polvere 120g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 120 grams
Price per Kg: € 149,42
On offer until Lunedì 01 Gennaio 2024
Minimum order: 24 Pc (2,88 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,12 Kg)
Best before: 24 months from date on package
Manufactured by
Via Formia 9, 70029 Santeramo in Colle (BA) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
La spirulina in polvere è ricavata da un’alga blu-verde che prende il nome dalla sua struttura a spirale. È un super-alimento noto per la sua azione detox dovuta all’alto contenuto di minerali, vitamine e proteine che contribuiscono a renderla un alimento completo e ideale per le diete dimagranti o in momenti di stress, per diete vegetariane e vegane. La spirulina Rawys è costantemente sottoposta a controlli qualità, volti a certificare che non contenga residui di metalli pesanti e che sia conforme agli standard microbiologici stabiliti dalle normative europee. Si tratta di un alimento poco calorico ma dall’alto valore nutritivo, ricco di proteine e vitamine. Adatto per gli sportivi.IN CUCINA: Essendo in polvere, si potrà aggiungere la Spirulina a qualsiasi cibo o bevanda, dai primi piatti ai frullati, dalle insalate allo yogurt, inoltre, può essere integrata alle spezie per insaporire i secondi! Ottima negli impasti dei prodotti da forno coma panini, focacce, cracker, biscotti, ecce cc. Provala in infusione con acqua!
• Vitamina A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9
• Proteine (circa il 70% del suo peso)
• Sali minerali: Calcio, Ferro, Zinco, Potassio, Selenio, Sodio, Rame, Fosforo, Magnesio, Manganese
• Amminoacidi essenziali
• Detossinante
• Migliora il colesterolo
• Induce senso di sazietà (adatto nelle diete per la perdita di peso)
• Supporto per gli sportivi (in allenamenti per incremento massa muscolare)
• Combatte l’invecchiamento
Ingredienti 100% Spirulina in polvere Apporto nutrizionale medio per 100g Energia 334 Kcal/ 1419kJ Proteine 60 g Grassi 0 g - di cui saturi 0 g Carboidrati 21 g - di cui zuccheri 0 g Sale 0 gto write a review
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La spirulina in polvere è ricavata da un’alga blu-verde che prende il nome dalla sua struttura a spirale. È un super-alimento noto per la sua azione detox dovuta all’alto contenuto di minerali, vitamine e proteine che contribuiscono a renderla un alimento completo e ideale per le diete dimagranti o in momenti di stress, per diete vegetariane e vegane. La spirulina Rawys è costantemente sottoposta a controlli qualità, volti a certificare che non contenga residui di metalli pesanti e che sia conforme agli standard microbiologici stabiliti dalle normative europee. Si tratta di un alimento poco calorico ma dall’alto valore nutritivo, ricco di proteine e vitamine. Adatto per gli sportivi.
IN CUCINA: Essendo in polvere, si potrà aggiungere la Spirulina a qualsiasi cibo o bevanda, dai primi piatti ai frullati, dalle insalate allo yogurt, inoltre, può essere integrata alle spezie per insaporire i secondi! Ottima negli impasti dei prodotti da forno coma panini, focacce, cracker, biscotti, ecce cc. Provala in infusione con acqua!
• Vitamina A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9
• Proteine (circa il 70% del suo peso)
• Sali minerali: Calcio, Ferro, Zinco, Potassio, Selenio, Sodio, Rame, Fosforo, Magnesio, Manganese
• Amminoacidi essenziali
• Detossinante
• Migliora il colesterolo
• Induce senso di sazietà (adatto nelle diete per la perdita di peso)
• Supporto per gli sportivi (in allenamenti per incremento massa muscolare)
• Combatte l’invecchiamento
Ingredienti 100% Spirulina in polvere Apporto nutrizionale medio per 100g Energia 334 Kcal/ 1419kJ Proteine 60 g Grassi 0 g - di cui saturi 0 g Carboidrati 21 g - di cui zuccheri 0 g Sale 0 g
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification
La spirulina in polvere è ricavata da un’alga blu-verde che prende il nome dalla sua struttura a spirale. È un super-alimento noto per la sua azione detox dovuta all’alto contenuto di minerali, vitamine e proteine che contribuiscono a renderla un alimento completo e ideale per le diete dimagranti o in momenti di stress, per diete vegetariane e vegane. La spirulina Rawys è costantemente sottoposta a controlli qualità, volti a certificare che non contenga residui di metalli pesanti e che sia conforme agli standard microbiologici stabiliti dalle normative europee. Si tratta di un alimento poco calorico ma dall’alto valore nutritivo, ricco di proteine e vitamine. Adatto per gli sportivi.
IN CUCINA: Essendo in polvere, si potrà aggiungere la Spirulina a qualsiasi cibo o bevanda, dai primi piatti ai frullati, dalle insalate allo yogurt, inoltre, può essere integrata alle spezie per insaporire i secondi! Ottima negli impasti dei prodotti da forno coma panini, focacce, cracker, biscotti, ecce cc. Provala in infusione con acqua!
• Vitamina A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9
• Proteine (circa il 70% del suo peso)
• Sali minerali: Calcio, Ferro, Zinco, Potassio, Selenio, Sodio, Rame, Fosforo, Magnesio, Manganese
• Amminoacidi essenziali
• Detossinante
• Migliora il colesterolo
• Induce senso di sazietà (adatto nelle diete per la perdita di peso)
• Supporto per gli sportivi (in allenamenti per incremento massa muscolare)
• Combatte l’invecchiamento
Ingredienti 100% Spirulina in polvere Apporto nutrizionale medio per 100g Energia 334 Kcal/ 1419kJ Proteine 60 g Grassi 0 g - di cui saturi 0 g Carboidrati 21 g - di cui zuccheri 0 g Sale 0 g
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification
La Moringa è una delle piante più nutrienti del mondo, il maggior contenuto di sostanze si concentra nelle foglie che vengono raccolte e fatte essiccare per conservarne inalterate le proprietà. Contiene ben 13 vitamine e minerali con oltre il 27% di proteine e il 19% di fibre ed è in grado di contrastare la stanchezza psicofisica, aumentare la concentrazione e migliorare il senso di benessere. La Moringa aumenta il metabolismo, favorisce la circolazione sanguigna e la digestione, rafforza il sistema immunitario e migliora la vista, ha un forte potere depurante e disintossicante e riduce il senso di fame.
IN CUCINA: La nostra Moringa si presenta come una polvere impalpabile dal colore verde vivo, dall’odore leggermente pungente e può essere diluita in acqua, aggiunta a frullati e yogurt o spolverata su insalate e pietanze varie. Provala nella preparazione di biscotti e prodotti da forno salati come panini, focacce, cracker, pizzette ecc.
• Vitamina A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9
• Proteine
• Sali minerali: Calcio, Ferro, Zinco, Potassio, Sodio, Fosforo, Magnesio
• Amminoacidi essenziali
• Omega 3 e 6
• Rinforza il sistema immunitario
• Proprietà antitumorali
• Contrasta la stanchezza fisica e mentale
• Antinfiammatorio
• Infusa migliora la digestione
• Antiossidante
• Riequilibra il metabolismo
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaping spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
From today, for those who cannot nibble on our organic spirulina, we have created the new vegetarian capsules, gluten-free, Vegan certified, filled only with 100% organic spirulina from the Sant'Egle organic farm!
The capsules are made with 100% cellulose and you can download the data sheet from here.
Inside there is 100% of our organic spirulina.
The powder is the result of a cryofranting process to keep the properties of our spirulina intact. To download the organic certificate, click here.
Each small capsule contains 390mg of spirulina.
One pack contains 300 capsules.
The net weight of the package is 100gr.
3/5 capsules a day for omnivores who want more energy thanks to amino acids, iron and concentration thanks to B12.
5/10 capsules per day for vegetarians
10/15 capsules per day for vegetarians, vegans and athletes for a replacement vegetable protein intake, iron and vitamin B12.
We always recommend taking a fresh fruit juice, a centrifuge or seasonal fruit and vegetables, so that the iron is conveyed by the Vitamin C contained in fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables.
For those who want to LOSE weight, spirulina does NOT burn fat, it changes its metabolism.
5 capsules taken 30 minutes before meals can make you feel full, which is why you will eat less.
In any case, a diet and sports activity is recommended because spirulina does not make you lose weight without the commitment of a low-calorie diet and constancy in physical movement.
100% della nostra Spirulina Bio
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaped spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaping spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Spirulina is a branched amino acid of plant origin.
Compared to meat which contains 40% of proteins, legumes which contain 35%, spirulina boasts 70% of proteins already transformed into amino acid and assimilable by our body.
It is a cyanobacterium, also called a single-celled blue-green microalgae that has lived on our planet for more than 3.5 billion years.
It is one of the most complete and balanced foods existing in nature, already defined by the UN as the best alternative food source of the future.
In fact, Spirulina combines the very high protein content with an exceptional concentration of Vitamins (complex B, D, E, K), Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium), 8 Amino acids essential and beta-carotene.
Spirulina strengthens the immune system, fights anemia, purifies and detoxifies the body, ideal for vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, increases physical and intellectual endurance, has beneficial effects on the integrity of the skin and hair, gives a sense of satiety , it is therefore ideal for slimming diets.
This spirulina has the shape of small broken spaghetti is crunchy and the taste is reminiscent of pumpkin seeds.
If you don't like chewing it, we also have vegetable capsules with the same spirulina inside but pulverized.
Omnivores: 3gr of crunchy spirulina (1 tablespoon of smooth sugar) +
Vegetarians: 6gr of crunchy spirulina (1 heaped spoonful of sugar)
Vegans and Athletes: 9gr of crunchy spirulina (3 teaspoon of smooth sugar)
100% Spirulina Bio Italiana
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
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*Alga Spirulina (Spirulina platensis Geitler) polvere (88%); antiagglomeranti: cellulosa, silice, magnesio stearato vegetale. *Ingredienti del Commercio Equo e Solidale °Ingredienti da Agricoltura Biologica
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Grano saraceno e mais ottofile da agricoltura biologica, sale marino integraele, acqua.
Disciplina è un balsamo solido che si prende cura dei tuoi capelli e del nostro Mondo! La spirulina, ricchissima di vitamine e sali minerali, rende i capelli più forti mentre il limone li rende leggeri e splendenti! L’olio di cocco dona forza e vitalità anche alle punte più secche e danneggiate e l’olio di semi di lino, ricco di Omega 3, rigenera anche le chiome più spente e crespe. Lo speciale pH acido di questo balsamo chiude le squame del capello e contrasta l’effetto crespo, lasciando i capelli morbidi, lucenti e perfettamente districati.
Cetearyl Alcohol, Caprylyl/Capryl Glucoside, Myristyl Alcohol, Distearoylethyl Dimonium Chloride, Cocos Nucifera Oil*, Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil*, Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter*, Spirulina Maxima Powder, Aqua, Arctium Lappa Root Extract*, Betaine, Tapioca Starch*, Inulin, Lavandula Hybrida Oil*, Mentha Spicata Herb Oil*, Melaleuca Alternifolia Leaf Oil*, Tocopherol, Lactic Acid, Fructose, Citrus Limon Peel Oil*, Limonene**, Geraniol**, Linalool** (*DA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA / ORGANIC, **da origine naturale / from natural origin)
Gallette di mais ottofile biologico, in confezione da 120 g
Mais ottofile da agricoltura biologica, sale marino integrale, acqua
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