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Acacia's honey
€ 12,00
Quantity: 1 Kilogram
Out of stock
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Kg)
Manufactured by
Via San Cristoforo dei Valli 22a, 61034 Fossombrone (PU) - Italia
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Product Code
MIELE_DI_ACACIA_1KGProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
1 KgChosen by 4 Buying Groups
Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU) - GAS Fano Fortuna - Fano (PU) - Gassosa - Recanati (MC) - GASEM GRUPPO ACQUISTO SOLIDALE SANT'ELPIDIO A MARE - Sant'Elpidio a Mare (FM)
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L'acacia: è una pianta arborea dai fiori bianchi a grappoli coltivata in zone sia collinari che montane.
Fioritura: da maggio a giugno.
Colore: molto chiaro limpido leggermente opalescente.
Stato fisico: sempre liquido la cristallizzazione è assente.
Odore: molto leggero, generico di miele.
Aroma: molto delicato.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
Honeydew honey and organic Linden, born from the creativity of our bees in the apiary have foraged two nectars same supers. It 'a honey rich in perfumes, in which s found the strong taste of honey Honeydew and the aromatic and fresh of Linden honey. What a surprise!
To each his own way to enjoy it!
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
Honeydew honey and organic Linden, born from the creativity of our bees in the apiary have foraged two nectars same supers. It 'a honey rich in perfumes, in which s found the strong taste of honey Honeydew and the aromatic and fresh of Linden honey. What a surprise!
To each his own way to enjoy it!
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
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Honeydew honey and organic Linden, born from the creativity of our bees in the apiary have foraged two nectars same supers. It 'a honey rich in perfumes, in which s found the strong taste of honey Honeydew and the aromatic and fresh of Linden honey. What a surprise!
To each his own way to enjoy it!
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
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