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Pre-tied bow tie mod. Dandy
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 1 Piece
On offer until Monday 01 January 2024
Periodicity: 26 October - 31 December
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Sartoria Arte & Stile Soc Coop A R.L.
Via degli Abeti 132, 61122 Pesaro (PU) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Pre-tied bow tie mod. DandyFabric of your choice, 100% natural and Made in Italy
Artisanal packaging
We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.to write a review
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
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We produce our accessories on request. We let the customer choose the model and fabric directly from our warehouse availability. You can make your choice by visiting us or via whatsapp. Any shipments, to be estimated, are the responsibility of the recipient.
Confettura ottenuta con fichi freschi di stagione, raccolati a giusta maturazione. La varietà è tipica dell' areale sud della Basilicata. La cottura avviene a bassa temperatura e la lavorazione è interamente artigianale. La confettura di fichi è ottima per deguatarla con formaggi stagionati.
- Purea e pezzettoni di fichi, zucchero bianco di canna, succo di limone. - Tutti gli ingredienti sono biologici. - Zuccheri totali presenti : 46% - Sono stati utilizzati 110 grammi di fichi freschi per ottenere 100 grammi di confettura.
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Il percarbonato di sodio può essere utilizzato sia in lavatrice che come pretrattante su macchie particolarmente difficili come frutta, erba, etc
Aggiungere al detergente
- 1 misurino per macchie difficili e secche
- 1/2 misurino per macchie normali
Aggiungere un misurino a 4 litri di acqua (max 40°C) per capi colorati e bianchi.
Dopo ammollo (max 1 ora) lavare il capo come d’abitudine o risciacquare abbondantemente. Per migliori risultati sulle macchie ostinate, strofinare prima di risciacquare.
Mischiare 1/4 di misurino di polvere con 3/4 di misurino d’acqua (max 40°C) . Applicare il mix sulla macchia (max 5 minuti). Strofinare la macchia.
Pulire ed asciugare il misurino prima di riporlo nella confezione. Dopo il pre-trattamento lavare il capo come d’abitudine.
Ingredienti –INCI: sodio per carbonato (sodium per carbonate) Composizione chimica: oltre 70%: sbiancante a base di ossigeno
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