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Product Code
Arance navel. Spremuta
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 22,00Quantity: 1 Package
Out of stock
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Manufactured by
Az. Agr. GIARDINELLO di Giuseppe Colletti
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via Trinità 38, Sant'Albano Stura (CN) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Navelline 17 Kg da spremutaCompany certificates
Bioagricert srl Certification OrganizationChosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS-NARZOLE - Narzole (CN)
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Arance Navel da spremuta bio provenienti dall'azienda Arcobaleno in provincia di Agrigento
Dal gusto gradevolissimo, l’arancia “L'arcobaleno”biologica è un’arancia bionda, del gruppo Navel, senza semi e dalla buccia facilmente staccabile dalla polpa e contiene un elevato contenuto vitaminico (C, A, B, PP), sali minerali e zuccheri. Rappresenta una ricchezza naturale capace di fornire sostanze importantissime per la crescita e per una dieta sana.
Washington Navel Oranges - "Juice" quality
Category I
Weight from gr. 140 to gr. 180 each.
Diameter from 64 mm to 76 mm.
Arance siciliane Navel, ideali da spremuta, coltivate in provincia di Siracusa. Il calibro è medio, il colore arancione intenso, la polpa priva di semi e il succo dolce, tipicamente giallo. Sono anche dette arance bionde ombelicate, perché a volte formano all’interno un piccolo frutto gemello.
BIOSUISSE - BioSuisse Organic Certificate
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
16 Kg crate of washington navel oranges of ribera DOP peel 100% edible not only for excellent juices but also for fantastic recipes
BOX 10 KG ORANGES RIBERA "Washinton NAVEL" DA JUICE - GAUGE 6-8L'arancia "Washington Navel" has a pleasant taste, is blonde and is seedless pulp, but the main feature is the pleasant taste and never acido.CARATTERISTICHE QUALITATIVELe peculiar characteristics of our "Washington Navel" concerning the flesh: the juice vesicles dissolve in the mouth, leaving very few membranous residues. Unlike other Sicilian variety, characterized by a sub-acid flavor, the "blondes" Ribera have a sweet pulp that distinguishes them. In addition, our oranges have a perfect balance between taste and profumo.Queste qualitative and organoleptic characteristics of the variety "Washington Navel" by Ribera, are peculiar in that it is the growing area that gives our product a real identity. We can say that the "Washington Navel" is equipped with a unique quality linked precisely to environmental factors such as climate, soil and water. Our orange grove, in fact, extends on the side of the river Platani, so the soil is rich in fertile substances that give the fruit not only a unique flavor, but also important organoleptic properties. All these features, encompass our oranges in the chain of "Oranges DOP" of Sicily
This orange was developed at a monastery in Brazil in 1820 (now widespread in Italy) from a single mutation. This mutation gives birth to a second orange, which grows like a twin but in a smaller space. From the outside, the fruit is easily recognizable by the typical navel located in the lower part of the fruit.
Navels are typically table oranges, with pulpy pulp and medium juice content, but with an intense aroma and exceptional flavors, sweet and seedless, such as to be in great demand by consumers.
Navels are available from the 1st decade of November, are full of vitamin C and are one of the tastiest varieties.
Arance tarocco a polpa pigmentata rossa da spremuta, calibro 10, tre confezioni da Kg 16,5 ciascuna.
Le nostre arance sono completamente naturali e non hanno subito alcun tipo di trattamento chimico.
Casse da 9.5 / 10.5 Kg. Varietà a polpa gialla, dimensione medio grande e al momento priva di fumaggine. Di ottimo sapore e succosa.
Cassetta di arance da spremuta
TRASPORTO GRATUITO (Almeno 40 cassette)
Washington Navel Oranges - “Table” Quality Category I - Weight from gr. 200 to gr. 290 each - Diameter from 77 mm to 83 mm.
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