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Citrus Fruits
Il suo gusto è più simile all’arancia con un perfetto equilibrio tra l’agro e il dolce. Gli spicchi sono quasi completamente privi di semi. Sono molto profumati e dolciastri. È un agrume appartenente al gruppo degli ibridi fra mandarini e arance dolce. La maturazione delle clementine avviene tipicamente in autunno , mentre la disponibilità del frutto prosegue fino a febbraio. Il colore della polpa è arancio e presenta una forma rotonda. Si sbuccia e si divide in spicchi con molta facilità. Vengono consumate fresche o utilizzate per la preparazione di succhi, marmellate, creme. Come tutti gli altri agrumi presentano una gran quantità di vitamina C.
Le arance Naveline sono caratterizzate da un inconfondibile aroma fruttata, un sapore delicato, ogni spicchio è molto denso di tessiture fibrose contenenti succo.
Sono arance con l’ombelico perché presentano un frutto gemello all’interno della buccia, una seconda arancia che cresce come un gemello, ma in uno spazio più ristretto, localizzato al polo opposto rispetto al picciolo
Acquistando il nostro prodotto riceverete a casa vostra 10 kg di arance biologiche coltivate dal sottoscritto in base al periodo in cui verrà effettuato l’ordine vi verranno spedite la varietà di stagione presente. La raccolta viene effettuata il giorno lavorativo successivo all’ordine effettuato per mantenere un integrità e una freschezza del prodotto senza eguali.
Arance siciliane Navel, ideali da spremuta, coltivate in provincia di Siracusa. Il calibro è medio-piccolo, il colore arancione intenso, la polpa priva di semi e il succo dolce, tipicamente giallo. Sono anche dette arance bionde ombelicate, perché a volte formano all’interno un piccolo frutto gemello.
BIOSUISSE - BioSuisse Organic Certificate
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Limoni varietà zagara bianca
TRASPORTO GRATUITO (Almeno 40 cassette)
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
GLOBALGAP - Global Good Agricultural Practice Certification
IFS - International Featured Standards
IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
Prodotto 100% in Italia L'arancia Navel, uno degli agrumi caratteristici della Calabria, prodotto 100% in Italia verrà reperito il prodotto FRESCO APPENA RACCOLTO sulla vostra tavola, in 48/72h. Per qualsiasi informazione o per poter ordinare, contattateci via email:larinascita2014@gmail.com o telefonicamente/whatsapp: 3335689660.
Rough and thick zest, with a light green or yellow color (In the ripening phase, available from the beginning of November until April). Oval or almost round in shape, with a slight protuberance at the peduncle and slightly pointed on the opposite side, with a particularly thick albedo (White internal layer that separates the zest from the pulp). Very rich in mineral salts, vitamin C and flavonoids, it has digestive, germicidal, disinfectant, stimulant, laxative and antioxidant properties. Ideal for fresh consumption (Table citron), as well as for the production of juices, marmalades, essential oils, syrups. Traditionally it’s eaten as sliced and lightly salted citron during the time of the Feast of Saint Agatha, Patroness of Catania. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian citron
Clementine di Corigliano Calabro dolci e senza semi. Garantiti per buccia edibile.
Nel giardino di Orange Sicily coltiviamo la famosa varietà di arancia Washington Navel, tipica del territorio di Ribera. Un frutto che si caratterizza per la sua dolcezza e per il suo basso livello di acidità. Ricca di vitamina, è ottima da gustare a tavola, come spremuta, o nella preparazione di diverse ricette.
Arance navel in confezione da Kg 16, 5, calibro medio/grande 7-8
Cassetta di arance vaniglia indicate per i diabetici
PER IL TRASPORTO GRATUITO (Ordinare almeno 40 cassette)
Offertissima acquistando 50 cassette miste in omaggio 4 cassette di arance per spremuta
Similar in shape to an orange, with clear and smooth zest. The color of the pulp is between pink and red and the flavor is acidic, bitterish and sweet. Very rich in carotenes and anthocyanins, they are particularly suitable for fresh consumption (Table pink grapefruit) or for the preparation of marmalade or juices. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemical products, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian pink grapefruit
Cassetta di arance da spremuta
TRASPORTO GRATUITO (Almeno 40 cassette)
I limoni biologici di Sicilia si caratterizzano per la polpa succosa dal colore giallo vivo. La forma dei limoni biologici è ovale, nella polpa è possibile trovare qualche seme. La particolarità dei limoni biologici sta nel fatto di essere ricchi di succo dal sapore intenso. La genuinità dei limoni biologici permette il consumo non solo del prezioso succo ma soprattutto della buccia profumata, utilissima per la preparazione di dolci e rosoli agli agrumi, primo fra tutti il liquore di limone Limoncello.
Arance navel bio cal. 1..4. (per ordini superiori 40 Kg 5% di sconto)
BIOSUISSE - BioSuisse Organic Certificate
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Also called “Wild Oranges”, recognizable by their rough zest, they are very versatile for the preparation of many recipes such as marmalades, liqueurs or to extract essential oils. Once upon a time (Often provided with long thorns, especially on the younger branches), the wild orange trees was used as a rootstock for the many varieties of sweet oranges. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian wild orange
Arance bionde coltivate a Corigliano Calabro. Garantite per buccia edibile.
Acquistando il nostro prodotto riceverete a casa vostra 10 kg di limoni biologici coltivate dal sottoscritto in base al periodo in cui verrà effettuato l’ordine vi verranno spedite la varietà di stagione presente. La raccolta viene effettuata il giorno lavorativo successivo all’ordine effettuato per mantenere un integrità e una freschezza del prodotto senza eguali.
Limoni della cultivar "Interdonato" coltivati a Corigliano Calabro. Garantiti per buccia edibile.
Arancie Navel Bio
Arance di Caulonia (r.c.) pezzatura medio-grande Offertissima acquistando 40 cassette di arance navel in omaggio 4 cassette di arance per spremuta
( x ordini superiori 20 Kg 5% di sconto)
BIOSUISSE - BioSuisse Organic Certificate
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
Nel giardino di Orange Sicily coltiviamo la famosa varietà di arancia Washington Navel, tipica del territorio di Ribera. Un frutto che si caratterizza per la sua dolcezza e per il suo basso livello di acidità. Ricca di vitamina, è ottima da gustare a tavola, come spremuta, o nella preparazione di diverse ricette.
Rough and thick zest, with a light green or yellow color (In the ripening phase, available from the beginning of November until April). Oval or almost round in shape, with a slight protuberance at the peduncle and slightly pointed on the opposite side, with a particularly thick albedo (White internal layer that separates the zest from the pulp). Very rich in mineral salts, vitamin C and flavonoids, it has digestive, germicidal, disinfectant, stimulant, laxative and antioxidant properties. Ideal for fresh consumption (Table citron), as well as for the production of juices, marmalades, essential oils, syrups. Traditionally it’s eaten as sliced and lightly salted citron during the time of the Feast of Saint Agatha, Patroness of Catania. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian citron
Also called “Wild Oranges”, recognizable by their rough zest, they are very versatile for the preparation of many recipes such as marmalades, liqueurs or to extract essential oils. Once upon a time (Often provided with long thorns, especially on the younger branches), the wild orange trees was used as a rootstock for the many varieties of sweet oranges. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian wild orange
6 Kg of clementines, 3 Kg of navel oranges, 1 Kg of lemons. If you want different quantities, specify it in the Notes.
Clementine, arance, limoni,pompelmi.
Native to China, the orange spread outside the Asian continent in the 14th century. In Italy, however, the fruit was already known in the first century, arrived by land to the Romans along the Silk Road and reintroduced to Sicily by the Arabs following the invasion of the island in the 9th century. Today the orange is also widespread in Calabria.
Tarocco is a fine variety, very juicy with red-streaked pulp and usually seedless. They are particularly suitable for juices, but are also excellent to consume at the table and to prevent flu and colds. (Available from December)
Also called “Wild Oranges”, recognizable by their rough zest, they are very versatile for the preparation of many recipes such as marmalades, liqueurs or to extract essential oils. Once upon a time (Often provided with long thorns, especially on the younger branches), the wild orange trees was used as a rootstock for the many varieties of sweet oranges. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian wild orange
Rough and thick zest, with a light green or yellow color (In the ripening phase, available from the beginning of November until April). Oval or almost round in shape, with a slight protuberance at the peduncle and slightly pointed on the opposite side, with a particularly thick albedo (White internal layer that separates the zest from the pulp). Very rich in mineral salts, vitamin C and flavonoids, it has digestive, germicidal, disinfectant, stimulant, laxative and antioxidant properties. Ideal for fresh consumption (Table citron), as well as for the production of juices, marmalades, essential oils, syrups. Traditionally it’s eaten as sliced and lightly salted citron during the time of the Feast of Saint Agatha, Patroness of Catania. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian citron
Similar in shape to an orange, with clear and smooth zest. The color of the pulp is between pink and red and the flavor is acidic, bitterish and sweet. Very rich in carotenes and anthocyanins, they are particularly suitable for fresh consumption (Table pink grapefruit) or for the preparation of marmalade or juices. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemical products, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian pink grapefruit
Similar in shape to an orange, with clear and smooth zest. The color of the pulp is between pink and red and the flavor is acidic, bitterish and sweet. Very rich in carotenes and anthocyanins, they are particularly suitable for fresh consumption (Table pink grapefruit) or for the preparation of marmalade or juices. They are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemical products, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian pink grapefruit
Il limone di Sicilia è particolarmente noto per la ricchezza di vitamine, la vitamina C in particolare si trova in abbondanza.
Si definisce limone di Sicilia Primofiore la varietà nota anche come limone invernale. Si tratta di limoni di Siracusa, prodotto riconosciuto come IGP, è caratterizzato da un elevata quantità di succo ed è conosciuto per l'alta qualità degli oli essenziali. La varietà di limone siracusana è chiamata femminello, per via della fioritura praticamente continua durante tutto l'anno. Il limone di Sicilia primofiore matura da ottobre a marzo.
In the Sibari plain, framed between the Pollino massif and the sea, the Clementines find the ideal microclimate to achieve qualitative characteristics that make this variety of mandarin truly unique, usually totally seedless (it is not impossible to find, in rare cases, due to pollination). It blooms and bears fruit slowly and irregularly, as it is very susceptible to temperature changes. Like tangerine, it peels and splits into wedges easily. The first supplies (mid-October-mid-November) are ideal for those who love sweet and sour, often at the beginning they have the skin still a little green and when you peel them, do it with a knife to avoid the sour skin does not transfer to the internal sweet part of the fruit.
Not using harmful substances (and always using the diligence of a good family man), our crops only know traditional methods, a fruit with an intense, enveloping flavor, which will make you rediscover the real reason why the Clementines of the Sibari plain are universally recognized as the best in the world. Also for this reason, our products will not always have the same color, shape or weight as they do not know any industrial process. (Available from the 2nd decade of October)
This orange was developed at a monastery in Brazil in 1820 (now widespread in Italy) from a single mutation. This mutation gives birth to a second orange, which grows like a twin but in a smaller space. From the outside, the fruit is easily recognizable by the typical navel located in the lower part of the fruit.
Navels are typically table oranges, with pulpy pulp and medium juice content, but with an intense aroma and exceptional flavors, sweet and seedless, such as to be in great demand by consumers.
Navels are available from the 1st decade of November, are full of vitamin C and are one of the tastiest varieties.
Recognizable by the so-called “Belly Button” (“Navel”) (Many varieties are included such as Washington, New Hall, etc.), available between the end of October and the end of January, they are the classic small size blonde oranges, sweet and juicy, excellent for squeezing, with a fine zest, also suitable for the preparation of many typical recipes. Very rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, mineral salts, fibers and sugars, they are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Store in a cool, dry place. Edible peel. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian blonde pulp orange
Calibro medio/piccolo 8/9/10 da spremuta in confezione da kg 16.5
Recognizable by the so-called “Belly Button” (“Navel”) (Many varieties are included such as Washington, New Hall, etc.), available between the end of October and the end of January, they are the classic blonde oranges, sweet and juicy, with thick zest, excellent for fresh consumption (Table orange) or for the preparation of many typical recipes. Very rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, mineral salts, fibers and sugars, they are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Store in a cool, dry place. Edible peel. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian blonde pulp orange
Recognizable by the so-called “Belly Button” (“Navel”) (Many varieties are included such as Washington, New Hall, etc.), available between the end of October and the end of January, they are the classic small size blonde oranges, sweet and juicy, excellent for squeezing, with a fine zest, also suitable for the preparation of many typical recipes. Very rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, mineral salts, fibers and sugars, they are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Store in a cool, dry place. Edible peel. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian blonde pulp orange
I nostri mandarini vengono raccolti il giorno stesso in cui avverrà la spedizione
Recognizable by their particular oblong shape and a protuberance at the height of the stalk, available almost all year round thanks to the multiple flowerings of the varieties present in the company (Such as the Femminello or Lunario varieties). Very rich in vitamin C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, they are ideal as a juice or for the preparation of desserts, marmalades, syrups, liqueurs or for extracting essential oils. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian lemon
Recognizable by the so-called “Belly Button” (“Navel”) (Many varieties are included such as Washington, New Hall, etc.), available between the end of October and the end of January, they are the classic blonde oranges, sweet and juicy, with thick zest, excellent for fresh consumption (Table orange) or for the preparation of many typical recipes. Very rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, mineral salts, fibers and sugars, they are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Store in a cool, dry place. Edible peel. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian blonde pulp orange
Recognizable by the so-called “Belly Button” (“Navel”) (Many varieties are included such as Washington, New Hall, etc.), available between the end of October and the end of January, they are the classic blonde oranges, sweet and juicy, with thick zest, excellent for fresh consumption (Table orange) or for the preparation of many typical recipes. Very rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, mineral salts, fibers and sugars, they are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Store in a cool, dry place. Edible peel. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian blonde pulp orange
I nostri pompelmi vengono raccolti il giorno stesso in cui avverrà la spedizione
Spheroidal, small and sweet, with flattened ends, one of which is on the side of the stalk, orange in colour, with harvest times based on the different varieties (Available from October to April, the Primosole, Comune and Marzaiolo or Tardivo di Ciaculli varieties). Very rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, fibre, carotene, iron, magnesium and folic acid, in addition to fresh consumption (Table tangerine), they are ideal for the preparation of desserts, marmalades, syrups, liqueurs or for extracting essential oils. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian tangerine
Spheroidal, small and sweet, with flattened ends, one of which is on the side of the stalk, orange in colour, with harvest times based on the different varieties (Available from October to April, the Primosole, Comune and Marzaiolo or Tardivo di Ciaculli varieties). Very rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, fibre, carotene, iron, magnesium and folic acid, in addition to fresh consumption (Table tangerine), they are ideal for the preparation of desserts, marmalades, syrups, liqueurs or for extracting essential oils. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian tangerine
Recognizable by their particular oblong shape and a protuberance at the height of the stalk, available almost all year round thanks to the multiple flowerings of the varieties present in the company (Such as the Femminello or Lunario varieties). Very rich in vitamin C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, they are ideal as a juice or for the preparation of desserts, marmalades, syrups, liqueurs or for extracting essential oils. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian lemon
Recognizable by their particular oblong shape and a protuberance at the height of the stalk, available almost all year round thanks to the multiple flowerings of the varieties present in the company (Such as the Femminello or Lunario varieties). Very rich in vitamin C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, they are ideal as a juice or for the preparation of desserts, marmalades, syrups, liqueurs or for extracting essential oils. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian lemon
Spheroidal, small and sweet, with flattened ends, one of which is on the side of the stalk, orange in colour, with harvest times based on the different varieties (Available from October to April, the Primosole, Comune and Marzaiolo or Tardivo di Ciaculli varieties). Very rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, fibre, carotene, iron, magnesium and folic acid, in addition to fresh consumption (Table tangerine), they are ideal for the preparation of desserts, marmalades, syrups, liqueurs or for extracting essential oils. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Edible peel. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian tangerine
Garantiamo l’origine del prodotto dalle pendici del vulcano Etna. Raccogliamo i frutti solamente quanto raggiungono il giusto grado di maturazione e di pigmentazione garantendo un rosso intenso e deciso.
GLOBALGAP - Global Good Agricultural Practice Certification
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
HACCP - HACCP Certification
IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
Le nostre arance vengono raccolti il giorno stesso in cui avverrà la spedizione
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Offertissima acquistando 50 cassette di limoni in omaggio 4 cassette di arance per spremuta
I nostri limoni vengono raccolti il giorno stesso in cui avverrà la spedizione
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Recognizable by the so-called “Belly Button” (“Navel”) (Many varieties are included such as Washington, New Hall, etc.), available between the end of October and the end of January, they are the classic small size blonde oranges, sweet and juicy, excellent for squeezing, with a fine zest, also suitable for the preparation of many typical recipes. Very rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, mineral salts, fibers and sugars, they are cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals, shipped within a maximum of 24 hours from the harvest. Store in a cool, dry place. Edible peel. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
100% Untreated Sicilian blonde pulp orange
Il suo nome deriva dai caratteristici fiori bianchi che lo incorniciano iI frutto; si presenta con pochi semi, molto ricco di succo e meno acido di altri limoni il che lo rende molto buono da mangiare. Coltura in Conversione Biologica.
CSQA - CSQA Quality Certification
Vanilla oranges seedless orange with vanilla flavor excellent for diabetics
L’arancia NAVELINA dal gusto gradevolissimo, contiene vitamine A, B1, B2, PP, vitamina C, Sali minerali e zuccheri. Basta una sola arancia per soddisfare il fabbisogno quotidiano di vitamina C che è antiossidante e contribuisce al potenziamento del sistema immunitario. Può essere consumata allo stato fresco come frutta o spremuta, indicato l’impiego in cucina nella preparazione di aperitivi, digestivi, nei primi e secondi piatti.
Dimensioni medio-grandi, ideali per essere consumate a tavola.
cassa da 10 Kg disponibile da fine Ottobre a Dicembre
Cassetta di arance Naval (Gradi Brix 13-15%)
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Calibro: medio/grosso
Forma: ovale
Polpa: rossastra, molto succosa, morbida e priva di semi
La natura dei terreni, il clima, le escursioni termiche ed il sole fanno dell’Arancia Rossa di Sicilia IGP un prodotto unico per qualità e tipicità. E' riconosciuto che le arance a polpa rossa contengono il 40%di vitamina C in più rispetto alle altre. Inoltre contengono antocianine, un potente antiossidante, e la pectina che combatte il colesterolo cattivo.
Il tarocco ha la forma ovale con base più o meno prominente, ha una colorazione arancio con parti colorate in rosso più o meno intenso, ha un'ottima resa in succo, ideale per spremute.
The pink grapefruit on the outside has a yellow skin and completely pink on the inside I suggest you eat it by dividing it in half and with a spoon or squeeze it
1 Cassetta di arance 10/11 Kg
TRASPORTO GRATUITO (Almeno 6 latte di olio e 40 cassette miste tra arance e limoni, prevalentemente arance )
Orange pigmented by the extraordinary red color blood BLOOD ORANGE. Maturing from December.
La natura dei terreni, il clima, le escursioni termiche ed il sole fanno dell’Arancia Rossa di Sicilia IGP un prodotto unico per qualità e tipicità. E' riconosciuto che le arance a polpa rossa contengono il 40%di vitamina C in più rispetto alle altre. Inoltre contengono antocianine, un potente antiossidante, e la pectina che combatte il colesterolo cattivo. Il moro è la regina delle arance rosse!!! Ha la forma ovale con base più o meno prominente e una colorazione rossastra, .Ha un'ottima resa in succo, è ideale per le spremute.
Calibro: medio/piccolo
Forma: ovale
Polpa: rossastra, molto succosa, morbida e priva di semi
Limoni bio provenienti dall'azienda agricola Arcobaleno in provincia di Agrigento - Sicilia
Si tratta di un agrume dalla buccia arancione e con la polpa bionda o arancione. La buccia è rugosa e spessa e viene via abbastanza facilmente aiutandosi con un coltello.
L’arancia navel è un frutto ricco di sali minerali, come potassio, calcio, fosforo e ferro.
La caratteristica delle arance navel è di avere nella parte bassa del frutto un clone, cioè un piccola arancia che si può mangiare e con cui si possono realizzare ottimi liquori.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
GLOBALGAP - Global Good Agricultural Practice Certification
Dimensioni medio-grandi, ideali per essere consumate a tavola
Ci troviamo in Sicilia e la maggior parte dei nostri alberi producono arance a polpa rossa, caratteristica unica della nostra zona, provenienti da coltivazioni del tutto biologiche.
Le arance rosse Moro sono tra le varietà piú tipiche e conosciute dell’isola, essendo originarie della stessa Sicilia. Sono caratterizzate da una polpa di colore rosso intenso, dovute all’elevata presenza di antocianine. La colorazione rossa diventa piú intensa maggiore è l’escursione termica della zona in cui sono coltivate. Anche la luce influisce sulla colorazione infatti le arance della parte piú esterna della chioma tendono ad avere un rosso piú acceso rispetto a quelle della parte interna. Cosí come la polpa, anche la buccia puó avere delle striature rosse piú o meno intense.
CAMPAGNA AMICA - Campagna Amica Foundation
BIOSUISSE - BioSuisse Organic Certificate
GLOBALGAP - Global Good Agricultural Practice Certification
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
MADE IN ITALY 100% - 100% Made in Italy
Arance tarocco pezzatura media da tavola Kg 57 divisi in 3 colli da 19 Kg
Si tratta di un agrume dalla buccia arancione e con la polpa bionda o arancione. La buccia è rugosa e spessa e viene via abbastanza facilmente aiutandosi con un coltello. L’arancia navel è un frutto ricco di sali minerali, come potassio, calcio, fosforo e ferro. La caratteristica delle arance navel è di avere nella parte bassa del frutto un clone, cioè un piccola arancia che si può mangiare e con cui si possono realizzare ottimi liquori.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
GLOBALGAP - Global Good Agricultural Practice Certification
The blood orange-known and appreciated. Maturing from December presents red veins just mentioned and the increasingly clear over time reach a ruby red color in January.
The blood orange-known and appreciated. Maturing from December presents red veins just mentioned and the increasingly clear over time reach a ruby red color in January.
BOX 17 KG ORANGES RIBERA "Navelina" The fruit of good size, rounded or slightly oval, seedless, very juicy, bright orange peel, prominent navel. Medium-early maturing harvest begins in mid-November and lasts till January-February.
16 Kg crate of washington navel oranges of ribera DOP peel 100% edible not only for excellent juices but also for fantastic recipes