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- Tea & Herbal Teas
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Product Code
infuso rooibos in bustine - bio
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 2,67Quantity: 30 grams
Price per Kg: € 90,00
Minimum order: 12 Pc (360 g)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 12 Pc (360 g)
Manufactured by
Sold by
Altromercato - Pace e Sviluppo TV - List. colli
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via Montello - 31100 Treviso 4, 31100 Treviso (TV) - Italia
= 0
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
30grChosen by 3 Buying Groups
GAS Effetto Terra - San Biagio di Callalta (TV) - Gas Maserada sul Piave - Maserada sul Piave (TV) - Gas Ponte di Piave - Salgareda - Ponte di Piave (TV)
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-Naturalmente privo di caffeina - Senza aromi aggiunti - Sapore dolce con note di nocciola Il rooibos, comunemente conosciuto come red bush o tè rosso africano è una pianta che cresce esclusivamente in Sud Africa. Dopo la fermentazione e l'essicazione al sole, le sue foglie assumono un caratteristico colore rosso, tratto distintivo anche dell'infuso che si ottiene. Ha un leggero gusto che ricorda la nocciola e la malva, con un sapore dolce ed è naturalmente privo di caffeina.
Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) da agricoltura biologica. 100% da Commercio Equo
Organic Rooibos Lazzarelle Red Tea.
Coming from South Africa, Rooibos is more prized than red teas. The resulting infusion has a naturally sweet flavor and for this reason it can also be enjoyed without sugar. It is also good cold, alone or combined with some fruit juice. It is naturally caffeine-free and with a low content of tannins, characteristics that make it suitable for children as well. Rich in minerals, vitamins and flavonoids, it has antioxidant and digestive properties.
Organic Lazzarelle rooibos red tea.
Coming from South Africa, Rooibos is more prized than red teas. The resulting infusion has a naturally sweet flavor and for this reason it can also be enjoyed without sugar. It is also good cold, alone or combined with some fruit juice. It is naturally caffeine-free and with a low content of tannins, characteristics that make it suitable for children as well. Rich in minerals, vitamins and flavonoids, it has antioxidant and digestive properties.
Organic Rooibos Lazzarelle Red Tea.
Coming from South Africa, Rooibos is more prized than red teas. The resulting infusion has a naturally sweet flavor and for this reason it can also be enjoyed without sugar. It is also good cold, alone or combined with some fruit juice. It is naturally caffeine-free and with a low content of tannins, characteristics that make it suitable for children as well. Rich in minerals, vitamins and flavonoids, it has antioxidant and digestive properties.
Infuso di Melissa officinalis
Melissa officinalis fol e flos
Un tempo, durante le varie epidemie, gli uomini conoscevano come unica protezione le erbe.
Le nostre erbe aromatiche, che oggi utilizziamo soprattutto in cucina, vantano numerose proprietà curative.
Tra queste, al Timo spetta il posto d’onore.
E’ “l’antibiotico del povero", il suo infuso profumato è un ottimo alleato nella stagione invernale, rinforza l'organismo e ci aiuta a combattere i comuni raffreddori e le fastidiose influenze.
Timo serpillo, sommità fiorite
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