Martedì, 17 Settembre 2024 - 13:20:29
Favorite products

Vino bianco da Malvasia Istriana

Product Code


Vino bianco da Malvasia Istriana

Price reserved for Buying Groups

€ 12,00

Quantity: 5 Liters

Price per Lt: € 2,40

Out of stock

Minimum order: 1 Pc (5 Lt)

Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (5 Lt)

Best before: 1 years from date on package

Manufactured by

Az. Agr. San Lurins di Pecorari Marco

Supplier of BG registered in Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.
via Gavinana 32, 34070 San Lorenzo Isontino (GO) - Italia


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Product description

Manufactured 100% in Italy

Vino Bianco IGT Venezia Giulia 2017 da uve di Malvasia Istriana. Bag in box da 5 L. Da agricoltura biologica.


Uve di Malvasia Istriana.

Chosen by 1 Buying Groups

GAS Il Ponte - Gorizia (GO)

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