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Cassetta Arance Bio 10Kg (calibro 6)
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 18,00Quantity: 10 Kilograms
Price per Kg: € 1,80
Minimum order: 2 Pc (20 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (10 Kg)
Best before: 60 days from date on package
10% discount for orders over € 115,44
25% discount for orders over € 346,33
30% discount for orders over € 577,22
Manufactured by
Azienza Agricola Biologica Notaristefano
The company has self-certified their ethics Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc. It adheres to the Certified Chain Projectvia s. allende 32, 74017 Mottola (TA) - Italia
= 1
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Arance biologiche, coltivate con metodi sinergici e totalmente naturali. Il prodotto va direttaemtente dal campo alla vostra porta. Le cassette sono preparate direttamente in azienda ed incassettate a mano.Essendo incassettate direttamente in azienda l'arancia non subisce ne refrigerazione ne lavaggio, ne altro trattamento.
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