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€ 4,00Quantity: 1 Package
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
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Contrada Gazzego 1, 37142 Verona (VR) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Olive nere snocciolateChosen by 1 Buying Groups
Gas Laguna APS - Chioggia (VE)
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latte bottiglie di olio extra vergine di oliva italiano - campagna molitura 2019/20
Olio extravergine da olive biologiche molite con metodo ciclo continuo. Disponibile in lattine da 5 L I nostri ulivi sono di una varietà antica tipica proprio della zona di Alberobello: queste olive in dialetto vengono chiamate ‘ pizzutielle’. Di questi tempi avere un uliveto ‘sano’ è un dono e prendersene cura è una responsabilità e comporta un grande impegno. Noi lo facciamo seguendo il metodo biologico e siamo grati ai nostri alberi che quest’anno ci hanno regalato un olio meraviglioso!
Olives harvested by hand, grazed and not bacchiate. Cold milling within 6/8 hours of collection. Limited quantities.
Bova pepper oil is the result of the winning combination of a very high quality extra virgin olive oil of totally European origin and the spicy pepper of the Capsicum variety. From the union of these two precious elements draws its noble origin a condiment able to marry perfectly with some of the typical dishes of the food and wine tradition of our country and to ensure an extra `` something '' at every course that can always make it unique and tasty. The pepper of the flavored oil enriches the flavor of the oil, as well as that of the dishes that are seasoned with it, strengthening it thanks to its presence in the form of liquid essence and dehydrated solid parts, which give the product a typical fire red color and a pleasantly lively and lively flavor.
Olio extra vergine di oliva, essenza naturale di peperoncino, peperoncino piccante disidratato frantumato.
Bova pepper oil is the result of the winning combination of a very high quality extra virgin olive oil of totally European origin and the spicy pepper of the Capsicum variety. From the union of these two precious elements draws its noble origin a condiment able to marry perfectly with some of the typical dishes of the food and wine tradition of our country and to ensure an extra `` something '' at every course that can always make it unique and tasty. The pepper of the flavored oil enriches the flavor of the oil, as well as that of the dishes that are seasoned with it, strengthening it thanks to its presence in the form of liquid essence and dehydrated solid parts, which give the product a typical fire red color and a pleasantly lively and lively flavor.
Olio extra vergine di oliva, essenza naturale di peperoncino, peperoncino piccante disidratato frantumato.
Bova pepper oil is the result of the winning combination of a very high quality extra virgin olive oil of totally European origin and the spicy pepper of the Capsicum variety. From the union of these two precious elements draws its noble origin a condiment able to marry perfectly with some of the typical dishes of the food and wine tradition of our country and to ensure an extra `` something '' at every course that can always make it unique and tasty. The pepper of the flavored oil enriches the flavor of the oil, as well as that of the dishes that are seasoned with it, strengthening it thanks to its presence in the form of liquid essence and dehydrated solid parts, which give the product a typical fire red color and a pleasantly lively and lively flavor.
Olio extra vergine di oliva, essenza naturale di peperoncino, peperoncino piccante disidratato frantumato.
L'Olio Extravergine di Oliva Biologico 5 Grani viene prodotto nell'agro di Sciacca in provincia di Agrigento in Sicilia in prevalenza da cultivar Cerasuola con basse percentuali di Biancolilla e Nocellara del Belice. Le Olive raccolte con agevolatori elettrici ed a mano vengono portate e molite al Frantoio entro 48 ore con macchinari meccanici di nuova concezione per mantenere inalterate le peculiarità del prodotto. L'olio prodotto viene stoccato in silos di acciaio, fatto decantante alcuni giorni e confezionato in latte da 5L o altri formati a richiesta. Assapora i sapori della Sicilia comprando la produzione dell'ultima campagna olearia effettuata nei mesi di Ottobre e Novembre.
Olio d'oliva
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Bova pepper oil is the result of the winning combination of a very high quality extra virgin olive oil of totally European origin and the spicy pepper of the Capsicum variety. From the union of these two precious elements draws its noble origin a condiment able to marry perfectly with some of the typical dishes of the food and wine tradition of our country and to ensure an extra `` something '' at every course that can always make it unique and tasty. The pepper of the flavored oil enriches the flavor of the oil, as well as that of the dishes that are seasoned with it, strengthening it thanks to its presence in the form of liquid essence and dehydrated solid parts, which give the product a typical fire red color and a pleasantly lively and lively flavor.
Olio extra vergine di oliva, essenza naturale di peperoncino, peperoncino piccante disidratato frantumato.
Bova pepper oil is the result of the winning combination of a very high quality extra virgin olive oil of totally European origin and the spicy pepper of the Capsicum variety. From the union of these two precious elements draws its noble origin a condiment able to marry perfectly with some of the typical dishes of the food and wine tradition of our country and to ensure an extra `` something '' at every course that can always make it unique and tasty. The pepper of the flavored oil enriches the flavor of the oil, as well as that of the dishes that are seasoned with it, strengthening it thanks to its presence in the form of liquid essence and dehydrated solid parts, which give the product a typical fire red color and a pleasantly lively and lively flavor.
Olio extra vergine di oliva, essenza naturale di peperoncino, peperoncino piccante disidratato frantumato.
Cold pressed oil, of superior quality.
It has a green color with golden reflections and a fruity aroma, with clear green herbaceous perceptions of medium intensity, accompanied by hints of green almond and artichoke.
The taste is medium bitter / spicy, almost intense and persistent.
Oil campaign 2021/22.
Olive Biologiche Italiane
CSQA - CSQA Quality Certification
Extra virgin olive oil extracted from olives of the biancolilla variety cold pressed at our trusted oil mill
Extra Virgin Olive Oil extracted from biancolilla variety cold pressed at our trusted oil mill
Cold extracted 100% Italian. Produced from olives selected and harvested directly by our company.
It is ideal on the table as it adds flavor to even the lightest foods without overwhelming their taste.
The oil-food combination: The principle of equipotence applies.
Dishes considered to have strong-decisive flavors, are combined with extra virgin olive oils with a high aroma and aromatic taste.
Conversely, delicate dishes require low-flavored oils that tend to be sweet.
Due to the organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it, the extra virgin Bova lends itself to multiple uses.
It is never excessively bitter nor spicy, it is delicate and savory at the same time, it is fine and at the same time rich in fruity notes.
Due to the high condensing power it possesses and the cold pressing, a small amount is poured to give the food the necessary flavor and fragrance imprint.
THE condiment lemon is an emulsion obtained by combining whole organic citrus (in the period of full maturity) to the olives, during the step of molitura.La percentage of orange / lemon for olives is balanced to give the aroma of the preparation without altering the organoleptic characteristics extra virgin olive oil. The cold extraction process, thanks to the presence of the essential oils of orange / lemon peels gives rise to a unique blend, which makes the stable liquid and allows a long conservation without which originate phenomena of separation with the appearance of filaments or deposits.
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