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Product Code
Olive al tonno - circa 32 olive
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 11,00Quantity: 1 Package
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Manufactured by
Via Copernico Snc, 63100 Ascoli Piceno (AP) - Italia
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Product description
Chosen by 21 Buying Groups
GAS Fano Fortuna - Fano (PU) - Gassosa - Recanati (MC) - Gas Fidenza - Fidenza (PR) - Gas Filò - Parma (PR) - Gasteropodi - Parma (PR) - Gas Noceto - Noceto (PR) - Gas Salsomaggiore - Salsomaggiore Terme (PR) - Gas Terra Terra - Parma (PR) - GAS Baganza - Sala Baganza (PR) - Gas La Spiga - Sorbolo Mezzani (PR) - GAStronauti Lesignano - Lesignano de' Bagni (PR) - Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU) - Gas Sorbolo - Sorbolo Mezzani (PR) - Gazpacho - Parma (PR) - Gas Fontevivo - Fontevivo (PR) - GASEM GRUPPO ACQUISTO SOLIDALE SANT'ELPIDIO A MARE - Sant'Elpidio a Mare (FM) - GASBLod - Casalpusterlengo (LO) - GAS Lodigiano - Lodi (LO) - Gas Imola - Imola (BO) - Gas MonSerrArcevia - Serra de' Conti (AN) - GAS Cent Coo Cent Crap - Brugherio (MB)
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Typical sicilian product, prepared according to the traditional recipe with top quality raw materials. Excellent on first courses and appetizers, delicious on toasted bread (Bruschetta). From sicilian black olives picked and selected by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Non GMO.
Sicilian black olives 90%, sunflower oil, parsley, mint
A perfect paté for all those who appreciate the fresh, soft and light taste of green olives. Suitable for filling quick and delicious snacks, sandwiches and appetizers for aperitifs.
Typical sicilian product, prepared according to the traditional recipe with top quality raw materials. Excellent on first courses and appetizers, delicious on toasted bread (Bruschetta). From sicilian green olives picked and selected by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Non GMO.
Sicilian green olives 90%, sunflower oil, parsley, mint
Il Patè di olive nere prodotto dall' Azienda Agricola Tenuta Collotta è perfetto da impiegare come condimento su bruschette e tartine , ma si può utilizzare anche per insaporire e creare un gustoso primo piatto a base di pasta calda o fredda.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
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Tuna (68%) Thunnus Alalunga, extra virgin olive oil *, sea salt. * From organic farming (32%).
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