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Nose (sausage)
€ 7,80
Quantity: 600 grams
Price per Kg: € 13,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,6 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,6 Kg)
Manufactured by
Azienda Agrituristica Papaveri & Papere
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via Caltana 1b - Loc. Caltana, 30030 Santa Maria di Sala (VE) - Italia
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Product Code
MUSETTO_COTECHINOProduct description
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Ethical and Environmental Certtification InstituteChosen by 1 Buying Groups
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Sausage ancient peasant tradition Molisana made with choice of pork meat, salt, sweet red pepper and fennel selvatico.Il curing process is completed no earlier than six weeks. In this way the product reaches optimal ripeness that exceptional nutritional and dietary garantiscequalità. When cut, the product has a color ranging from bright red to deep red; the fat parts occur in the right proportion compared with the lean and stand out for their white color. Each vacuum-packed sausage is 230 gr each.
Sausage made with selected pork meat, salt and black truffles High Molise. The curing process is completed no earlier than six weeks. In this way the product reaches optimal ripeness that provides exceptional nutritional and dietary quality. When cut, the product has a color ranging from bright red to deep red; the fat parts occur in the right proportion compared with the lean and stand out for their white color. The aroma is rightly intense, characterized by rusticity notes and enriched by black truffles High Molise. Each vacuum-packed sausage is 230 grams.
Keep it compact, they are suitable for cooking in the pot. Absorb the juices that you can customize to taste. Not suitable for cooking on the plate, but may be "golden" cooked to order with a more intense flame to make them more
Sausages of pure pork with garlic and crushed bay leaf. The sausages are ordered to pieces, each "+1" corresponds to 1 sausage from about 100 grams, minimum order 2 sausages.
NET WEIGHT: 0, 100 KG; Use before 06/26/2016. INGREDIENTS: pork 50%, beef 26%, water, salt, vegetable fibers, dextrose, flavorings, spices; GLUTEN FREE. STABILIZERS: E450-E452; Acidity regulator: E331; Antioxidant: E301; Preservative: E250; To be consumed after cooking and store in refrigerator at +2 +4 ° C
SALSICCIA TIPO WIENNA CARSOLINO "Alture di Polazzo" SENZA GLUTINE PESO NETTO: 0,100 KG; CONSUMARSI ENTRO IL 01/07/2018. INGREDIENTI: carne di suino 60%, carne di bovino 20%, acqua, sale, destrosio, spezie e aromi; SENZA GLUTINE. STABILIZZANTI: E451-E452; ANTIOSSIDANTE: E301; CONSERVANTE: E250; Da consumarsi previa cottura e conservare in frigo a +2 +4 C° Prodotto e confezionato presso Salumificio Sfreddo, via Giarizzole 37, Trieste. Lab.: IT830L CE, per conto di Società Agricola Samsa Paolo e C. s.s., via Fornaci 1/A, 34070, Fogliano Redipugia, GO. Lotto: 18.100
Provenienza: Sicilia
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
La battuta al coltello è il modo migliore per valorizzare la carne di Fassona Piemontese: un goccio d'olio, sale e pepe ed è pronta per essere gustata
Carne di Bovino
Il Buffalo Rub 54, miscela nata nella piccola città di Patagonia, tra Messico e Arizona, è famosissima in tutti gli Stati Uniti d’America. La leggenda la colloca nel periodo dell’oro, quando l’unico modo di cucinare la carne di bisonte era quello di metterla sopra una brace accesa.
Usi: strofinare la carne di bisonte, bufalo, manzo, impanandola a secco, cucinarla fino a formare una crosta spessa e succulente.
Ingredienti: peperoncino Ancho, senape, cipolla, paprica affumicata, pimento, prezzemolo, coriandolo, cumino, aglio, pepe nero, carvi, timo, maggiorana, levistico, origano, basilico, cerfoglio, dragoncello, sale affumicato, zucchero di canna.
Peso: 100 g
Default Title
Un dolce vegano quindi più sano e leggero di quello classico, delizioso per tutti
Biscotti vegani, mandorle o altra frutta secca, olio di semi di girasole bio o olio evo, latte vegetale (soia, riso, avena...), zucchero di canna, zucchero a velo, sale, cioccolato fondente dolcificato con zucchero di canna.
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