Martedì, 21 Gennaio 2025 - 18:33:25
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Plant Oil


ECOCERT - Control and Certification Organization ECOCERT

Free Delivery!

3 Liters x 2 = 6 Lt

46,67 € 15,56/Lt      =

   € 0,00
Ingredients and Certificates


Angimbe Natures BIO bottiglia singola da 0, 50 l (conf. da 6 pz)

Olio extra vergine biologico


Olio di olive verdi


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Free Delivery!
Angimbe BIO

0,5 Liters x 6 = 3 Lt

11,50 € 23,00/Lt      =

   € 0,00
Description Ingredients and Certificates


Extra Virgin Oil from Raw Almonds is artisanally produced in the heart of the Apennines. Using whole Italian Almonds purchased directly from the producer, from the latest harvest, without any chemical treatment, we guarantee a single mechanical extraction to preserve all the wonderful characteristics of the beneficial fats in this precious nut.
Versatile and healthy, our extra virgin almond oil can be used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. Its natural formula provides benefits for dry and sensitive skin and hair, acting as an antioxidant and anti-aging agent. Perfect as a base oil for massages, it contributes to normal intestinal transit for overall well-being.


Organic Whole Raw Italian Sweet Almond


BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization

Free Delivery!

0,1 Liters x 10 = 1 Lt

15,39 € 153,90/Lt      =

   € 0,00
Description Ingredients and Certificates


Estratto a freddo, prodotto 100% italiano.
Il nostro BLEND é composto in prevalenza da Ogliarola Garganica, con una lieve percentuale di Peranzana per dare maggiore vivacità mantenendo comunque un profilo equilibrato.
I bag in box sono composti da una scatola esterna contenente una sacca ermetica realizzata con materiali riciclati e riciclabili comprensivi di rubinetto erogatore (che funge da dosatore), preservando dunque l’olio EVO dalla luce e dall’azione ossidante dell’ossigeno poiché la suddetta, durante l’utilizzo, si contrae vietando all’aria di entrare a contatto con il prodotto.


Ogliarola Garganica, Peranzana


ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
HACCP - HACCP Certification

Frantoio Grifa srls

5 Liters x 2 = 10 Lt

77,78 € 15,56/Lt      =

   € 0,00
Description Ingredients and Certificates
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