Martedì, 16 Luglio 2024 - 07:38:26
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Si tratta di un dessert originale e schietto, ideato e prodotto dall’Azienda Chiodo, con castagne fresche delle montagne della Sila, selezionate, sbucciate e cotte con sciroppo di zucchero e mostocotto (il mostocotto è un mosto di uva non fermentato concentrato mediante lunga cottura).

Alcuni consigli per l’uso
Ottimo servito da solo come frutta dolce, diventa un’eccezionale guarnizione su panna cotta e gelato (si consigliano i gusti panna e fiordilatte).
E’ noto come dessert della gente di montagna quando è servito come contrasto su un cerchio di ricotta fresca dello spessore di 1 cm.


Castagne fresche della Sila cotte con sciroppo di zucchero e mosto di uva concentrato (mostocotto).


HACCP - HACCP Certification
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification
MADE IN ITALY 100% - 100% Made in Italy

Chiodo Angelo

0,21 Liters x 6 = 1,27 Lt

$ 7,99 $ 37,71/Lt      =

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Capperi sotto sale

Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

1 Kilogram

$ 12,12      =

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Da agricoltura Biologica
Confezionate in buste da 1 Kg sottovuoto
Le nostre mandorle coltivate nella lussureggiante Sicilia sono il frutto di anni di esperienza e passione per l'agricoltura sostenibile.
Raccolte a mano, dai nostri contadini, queste mandorle sono ricche di sapore e nutrienti, con una consistenza croccante e dolce.
Il clima caldo e soleggiato della regione rende queste mandorle uniche, con una nota di nocciola e vaniglia che le rende perfette per uno snack o come ingrediente in molte ricette. Le nostre mandorle sono coltivate senza l'utilizzo di pesticidi, per garantirti un prodotto sano e sicuro.
Scegli le mandorle coltivate giornalmente con cura e amore in Sicilia da esperti contadini, per un gusto autentico e sostenibile per la natura.




BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


5 Kilograms

$ 81,19 $ 16,24/Kg      =

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Sweet Sicilian Almonds in Shell, 1 Kg Harvest 2023 Naturally grown.

Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet

"The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond"

The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste.
Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes.
Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes.

To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources



Sicilian Speciality

1 Kilogram

$ 5,93      =

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Da agricoltura biologica
Confezionate in buste da 1 Kg sottovuoto
Le nostre mandorle coltivate nella lussureggiante Sicilia sono il frutto di anni di esperienza e passione per l'agricoltura sostenibile.
Raccolte a mano, dai nostri contadini, queste mandorle sono ricche di sapore e nutrienti, con una consistenza croccante e dolce.
Il clima caldo e soleggiato della regione rende queste mandorle uniche, con una nota di nocciola e vaniglia che le rende perfette per uno snack o come ingrediente in molte ricette. Le nostre mandorle sono coltivate senza l'utilizzo di pesticidi, per garantirti un prodotto sano e sicuro.
Scegli le mandorle coltivate giornalmente con cura e amore in Sicilia da esperti contadini, per un gusto autentico e sostenibile per la natura.




BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Kilogram

$ 18,06      =

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Sweet Sicilian Almonds in Shell, 5 Kg Harvest 2023 Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond" The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources



Sicilian Speciality

5 Kilograms

$ 21,69 $ 4,34/Kg      =

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Sicilian toasted and salted stachio

Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

1 Kilogram

$ 19,39      =

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Shelled Sicilian Almonds in bags of 150 grams each Harvest 2022 Naturally grown. Shipped with standard ordinary parcel. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet Sicilian Almonds, for 150 grams each one 2022 production traditionally and naturally grown Ideal if you play sports or follow a healthy diet Mandeln 15o gr. Produktion 2022 Herkunft Sizilien natürlich angebaut. Der Zustand Neu. Ideal für diejenigen, die Sport treiben oder sich gesund ernähren “Mandeln sind wie viele andere Arten von Trockenfrüchten reich an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, die für unseren Körper nützlich sind. das Nervensystem bei Stress oder Müdigkeit, während das große Vorhandensein von Kalzium sehr gut für die Knochen ist, die durch einen ständigen Verzehr dieser Früchte gestärkt werden. Unsere Haut wird auch von der Aufnahme von Mandeln profitieren, dank des Vorhandenseins von Vitamin E und anderen antioxidativen Substanzen wird sie weicher und jünger. " The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. To be kept in a cool and dry place For more information you can contact me on the following number: For more information please contact me to the following mobile number:



Sicilian Speciality

150 grams x 6 = 0,9 Kg

$ 4,48 $ 29,89/Kg      =

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100% Italian product

Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

1 Kilogram

$ 16,97      =

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Sicilian hazelnut shelled and toasted and peeled at 70%



Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

1 Kilogram

$ 17,57      =

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Si tratta di un dessert originale e schietto, ideato e prodotto dall’Azienda Chiodo, con fichi freschi della Sila, cotti nello sciroppo di zucchero ed aroma vegetale agro. Alcuni consigli per l’uso Ottimi serviti da soli come frutta dolce o a bagno di cioccolata calda. Diventano un insuperabile antipasto quando, interi o tagliati a metà o a quattro spicchi secondo la larghezza, vengono abbinati a prosciutto Crudo e Spicchi di Parmigiano oppure Auricchio o Pecorino Stagionato.


Fichi freschi della Sila, sciroppo di zucchero, aromi vegetali.


HACCP - HACCP Certification
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification
MADE IN ITALY 100% - 100% Made in Italy

Chiodo Angelo

0,21 Liters x 6 = 1,27 Lt

$ 7,99 $ 37,71/Lt      =

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Da agricoltura Biologica
Confezionate in buste da 1 Kg
Le nostre mandorle coltivate nella lussureggiante Sicilia sono il frutto di anni di esperienza e passione per l'agricoltura sostenibile.
Raccolte a mano, dai nostri contadini, queste mandorle sono ricche di sapore e nutrienti, con una consistenza croccante e dolce.
Il clima caldo e soleggiato della regione rende queste mandorle uniche, con una nota di nocciola e vaniglia che le rende perfette per uno snack o come ingrediente in molte ricette. Le nostre mandorle sono coltivate senza l'utilizzo di pesticidi, per garantirti un prodotto sano e sicuro.
Scegli le mandorle coltivate giornalmente con cura e amore in Sicilia da esperti contadini, per un gusto autentico e sostenibile per la natura.




BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Kilogram

$ 16,36      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Shelled Sicilian Almonds, 1 Kg Harvest 2023 Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond" The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources



Sicilian Speciality

1 Kilogram

$ 14,42      =

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Dried tomatoes under the Calabrian sun



Sweet Sicilian Almonds in Shell, 10 Kg Harvest 2023 Naturally grown.

Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet

"The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond"

The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste.
Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes.
Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes.

To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources



Sicilian Speciality

10 Kilograms

$ 41,09 $ 4,11/Kg      =

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Shelled Sicilian Almonds, 5 Kg Harvest 2023 Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond" The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources



Sicilian Speciality

5 Kilograms

$ 68,95 $ 13,79/Kg      =

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Dried figs dried under the sun of Calabria and sterilized

Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

500 grams

$ 8,49 $ 16,97/Kg      =

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Shelled Sicilian Almonds, 10 Kg Harvest 2023 Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond" The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources



Sicilian Speciality

10 Kilograms

$ 129,67 $ 12,97/Kg      =

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Si tratta di un dessert originale e schietto, ideato e prodotto dalla nostra famiglia, con castagne fresche delle montagne della Sila, selezionate, sbucciate e cotte con sciroppo di zucchero e mostocotto (il mostocotto è un mosto di uva non fermentato concentrato mediante lunga cottura) e successivamente omogeneizzate e pastorizzate in vasi di vetro. Alcuni consigli per l’uso Si usa spalmata su pane, fette biscottate, per farcire panini, torte e crostate, e per decorazioni in pasticceria e gelateria. Può entrare nella preparazione di dolci in sostituzione dello yogurt e come aromatizzante di creme. Diventa insuperabile se servito con ricotta caprina freschissima e formaggi freschi, come usano i pastori.


Castagne fresche della Sila cotte con sciroppo di zucchero e mosto di uva concentrato (Mostocotto).


HACCP - HACCP Certification
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification
MADE IN ITALY 100% - 100% Made in Italy

Chiodo Angelo

0,21 Liters x 6 = 1,27 Lt

$ 7,99 $ 37,71/Lt      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


100% Italian product

Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

1 Kilogram

$ 15,75      =

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Da agricoltura biologica
Confezionate in buste da 0,5 Kg
Le nostre mandorle coltivate nella lussureggiante Sicilia sono il frutto di anni di esperienza e passione per l'agricoltura sostenibile.
Raccolte a mano, dai nostri contadini, queste mandorle sono ricche di sapore e nutrienti, con una consistenza croccante e dolce.
Il clima caldo e soleggiato della regione rende queste mandorle uniche, con una nota di nocciola e vaniglia che le rende perfette per uno snack o come ingrediente in molte ricette. Le nostre mandorle sono coltivate senza l'utilizzo di pesticidi, per garantirti un prodotto sano e sicuro.
Scegli le mandorle coltivate giornalmente con cura e amore in Sicilia da esperti contadini, per un gusto autentico e sostenibile per la natura.




BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


500 grams x 10 = 5 Kg

$ 9,70 $ 19,39/Kg      =

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100% Italian product

Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

500 grams

$ 10,30 $ 20,59/Kg      =

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Mandorle in guscio di Sicilia dolci Bio Cultivar mandorle: Tuono Da agricoltura Biologica Confezionate in buste da 1 Kg Queste mandorle siciliane hanno un sapore unico grazie alla conservazione direttamente in guscio, un maggiore contenuto di olio e un minore contenuto di lignina.




BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Kilogram

$ 4,24      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates
Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

500 grams

$ 5,45 $ 10,91/Kg      =

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Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

500 grams

$ 7,87 $ 15,75/Kg      =

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Società Agricola Bova S.r.l.

1 Kilogram

$ 19,99      =

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Ingredients and Certificates


ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

5 Kilograms

$ 104,38 $ 20,88/Kg      =

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ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER


Mirtilli rossi bio (60%), origine Canada, Succo di mela concentrato bio (39%), Olio di girasole bio (1%).

Rewild Srl

1 Kilogram

$ 23,64      =

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Mandorle Sgusciate Bio in confezione da 3 Kg.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

3 Kilograms

$ 63,02 $ 21,01/Kg      =

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ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

1 Kilogram

$ 22,69      =

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BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


250 grams

$ 6,06 $ 24,26/Kg      =

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Ingredients and Certificates


Nocciole biologiche tostate. L'ordine minimo è di 20 confezioni da 250g.


CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification

Azienda Agricola Parano

250 grams x 20 = 5 Kg

Price visible to users only

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Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipe (Such as amaretti cookies or almond paste), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


100 grams

$ 2,42 $ 24,21/Kg      =

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Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of finely chopped of shelled pistachios. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. No GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pistachio


50 grams

$ 7,27 $ 145,50/Kg      =

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ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

125 grams

$ 3,46 $ 27,66/Kg      =

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Mandorle Pelate Bio in confezione da 500 g.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

500 grams

$ 14,42 $ 28,84/Kg      =

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Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipe (Such as amaretti cookies or almond paste), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


250 grams

$ 5,21 $ 20,85/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of shelled pistachio. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pistachio


500 grams

$ 33,45 $ 66,90/Kg      =

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Harvested and selected under the sun of our land of Sicily, they are very adaptable for the preparation of sweet and salty recipe. Excellent for fresh consumption, they are rich in phosphorus, magnesium and good fats (Linoleic acid – Omega 6). Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pine nut


100 grams

$ 16,84 $ 168,40/Kg      =

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ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

500 grams

$ 21,09 $ 42,19/Kg      =

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Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of peeled almond. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


500 grams

$ 14,06 $ 28,12/Kg      =

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ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

1 Kilogram

$ 22,32      =

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Harvested and selected under the sun of our land of Sicily, adaptable on many sweet and salty recipe, excellent for fresh consumption. They are very rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian hazelnut


100 grams

$ 3,63 $ 36,32/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Harvested and selected under the sun of our land of Sicily, adaptable on many sweet and salty recipe, they are processed through the roasting process of shelled raw hazelnut, they are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian toasted hazelnut


1 Kilogram

$ 22,17      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

1 Kilogram

$ 24,24      =

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Nocciole biologiche naturali. L'ordine minimo è di 20 confezioni da 250g.

Azienda Agricola Parano

250 grams x 20 = 5 Kg

Price visible to users only

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Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of bitter peeled almond. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond pastes), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


500 grams

$ 14,06 $ 28,12/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

70 grams

$ 3,51 $ 50,17/Kg      =

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Almonds are our “Spearhead”. Excellent snack, rich in vitamin E and Omega 3, they are ideal for both fresh consumption and as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet and salted dishes. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


1 Kilogram

$ 19,75      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of finely mincing of shelled bitter almond. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond paste), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


100 grams

$ 4,84 $ 48,43/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of the toasted shelled hazelnut. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian toasted hazelnut


500 grams

$ 12,85 $ 25,70/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, processed according to the removal procedure of brown integument of shelled almond called peeling. Excellent hunger-breakers, they are rich in Omega 3 and vitamin E, they are ideal for both fresh consumption and as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet and salted recipe. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


500 grams

$ 11,64 $ 23,28/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Farina di Mandorle Bio in confezione da 3Kg.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

5 Kilograms

$ 72,11 $ 14,42/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of finely mincing peeled shelled almond. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


1 Kilogram

$ 24,61      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Mandorle in guscio Bio in confezione da 3 Kg.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

3 Kilograms

$ 17,57 $ 5,86/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, processed according to the brown integument removal procedure of bitter shelled almonds called peeling. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond paste), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


250 grams

$ 6,42 $ 25,70/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

1 Kilogram

$ 35,40      =

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Le mandorle sgusciate, uniche per la loro qualità e gusto, sono di un bel colore bruno, dalla forma ellittico allungata, di buone dimensioni e all’assaggio hanno sapore dolce e intenso.


Mandorle siciliane


1 Kilogram

$ 13,33      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, processed according to the brown integument removal procedure of bitter shelled almonds called peeling. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond paste), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


500 grams

$ 11,64 $ 23,28/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Harvested and selected under the sun of our land of Sicily, adaptable on many sweet and salty recipe, they are processed through the roasting process of shelled raw hazelnut, they are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian toasted hazelnut


100 grams

$ 4,24 $ 42,43/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of finely chopped of toasted shelled hazelnut. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian toasted hazelnut


500 grams

$ 14,06 $ 28,12/Kg      =

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Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of peeled almond. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


100 grams

$ 6,06 $ 60,64/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of bitter peeled almond. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond pastes), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


100 grams

$ 6,06 $ 60,64/Kg      =

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Harvested and selected under the sun of our land of Sicily, they are very adaptable for the preparation of sweet and salty recipe. Excellent for fresh consumption, they are rich in phosphorus, magnesium and good fats (Linoleic acid – Omega 6). Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pine nut


1 Kilogram

$ 157,42      =

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ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

100 grams

$ 5,17 $ 51,70/Kg      =

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Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of finely mincing shelled almond. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


250 grams

$ 7,63 $ 30,54/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

1 Kilogram

$ 20,60      =

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BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


500 grams

$ 10,91 $ 21,81/Kg      =

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Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of finely mincing shelled almond. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


500 grams

$ 12,85 $ 25,70/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Hulling and dried under the sun of our land of Sicily, they are adaptable on many sweet and salty recipe. Excellent for fresh consumption, they are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin A. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pistachio


100 grams

$ 7,27 $ 72,75/Kg      =

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ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

100 grams

$ 3,20 $ 31,96/Kg      =

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I nostri mandorli sono di antiche varietà, curati con metodo biologico. Abbiamo chiamato la
nostra mandorla 'Luigina' dedicandola a una persona a cui vogliamo molto bene. Questo
prodotto per le dimensioni del mandorleto è a ‘edizione limitata’ e di gusto “rustico”. Essendo di varie varietà di alberi può succedere occasionalmente di trovare una mandorla amara.


1 Kilograms x 2 = 2 Kg

$ 9,70      =

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Hulling and dried under the sun of our land of Sicily, they are adaptable on many sweet and salty recipe. Excellent for fresh consumption, they are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin A. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pistachio


50 grams

$ 4,84 $ 96,85/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, processed according to the brown integument removal procedure of bitter shelled almonds called peeling. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond paste), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


100 grams

$ 3,63 $ 36,32/Kg      =

Contact the Supplier

Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of shelled almond. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


250 grams

$ 6,42 $ 25,70/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

1 Kilogram

$ 24,12      =

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BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


1 Kilogram

$ 18,18      =

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Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of finely chopped of shelled pistachios. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. No GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pistachio


250 grams

$ 19,75 $ 79,01/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishes, it is obtained through the process of finely chopped of shelled hazelnut. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian hazelnut


250 grams

$ 4,84 $ 19,37/Kg      =

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Crema Gianduia di alta qualità con il 50% di nocciole Piemonte IGP di eccellente qualità, per i celiaci perché non contiene glutine.
Prodotto italiano da gustare a colazione o a merenda. Un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile del vero made in Italy.

Crema spalmabile con il 50% di nocciole Piemonte Igp.

Senza glutine

Gianduja è la maschera popolare di Torino da cui deriva la cioccolata tipo Gianduja, che risale al XIX secolo, costituita da un impasto di cacao e nocciole.

Con il 50% di Nocciola Piemonte IGP – deliziosa crema spalmabile dalla tradizione piemontese, di altissima qualità e dal gusto inconfondibile.

Prodotta con il 50% di Nocciola Piemonte IGP, riconosciuta per la sue caratteristiche organolettiche in tutto mondo e un ottimo cacao. Senza oli e grassi vegetali aggiunti , né conservanti, né aromi. Senza Glutine.


Ingredienti: Nocciole Piemonte IGP 50%, saccarosio, fibra vegetale (inulina), cacao in polvere, latte magro in polvere. Emulsionante: lecitina di soia.


IGP - Protected Geographic Indication

Cascina Cà Grand

200 grams

$ 8,71 $ 43,57/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


ORGANIC certificated by DEMETER

Rewild Srl

5 Kilograms

$ 107,98 $ 21,60/Kg      =

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Mandorle Pelate Bio in confezione da 250 g.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

250 grams

$ 8,37 $ 33,46/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Mandorle Sgusciate Bio in confezione da 250 g


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

250 grams

$ 7,15 $ 28,62/Kg      =

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Farina di Mandorle Bio confezionata in buste salvafreschezza da 250 g.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

250 grams

$ 8,37 $ 33,46/Kg      =

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Mandorle Pelate Bio in confezione da 1 Kg.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

1 Kilogram

$ 24,12      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


They are our “Spearhead”. Excellent snacks, rich in vitamin E and Omega 3, they are ideal for both fresh consumption and as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet and salted dishes. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


500 grams

$ 10,43 $ 20,85/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of bitter peeled almond. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond pastes), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


250 grams

$ 8,85 $ 35,38/Kg      =

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Description Ingredients and Certificates


Harvested and selected under the sun of our land of Sicily, adaptable on many sweet and salty recipe, they are processed through the roasting process of shelled raw hazelnut, they are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian toasted hazelnut


500 grams

$ 11,64 $ 23,28/Kg      =

Contact the Supplier

Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of peeled almond. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


250 grams

$ 8,85 $ 35,38/Kg      =

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1 Kilograms x 3 = 3 Kg

$ 19,39      =

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Raw and natural product, processed according to the removal procedure of brown integument of shelled almond called peeling. Excellent hunger-breakers, they are rich in Omega 3 and vitamin E, they are ideal for both fresh consumption and as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet and salted recipe. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


100 grams

$ 3,63 $ 36,32/Kg      =

Contact the Supplier

Description Ingredients and Certificates


Hulling and dried under the sun of our land of Sicily, they are adaptable on many sweet and salty recipe. Excellent for fresh consumption, they are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin A. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian pistachio


250 grams

$ 17,33 $ 69,32/Kg      =

Contact the Supplier

Description Ingredients and Certificates


They are our “Spearhead”. Excellent snacks, rich in vitamin E and Omega 3, they are ideal for both fresh consumption and as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet and salted dishes. Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free.


100% Untreated Sicilian almond


250 grams

$ 5,21 $ 20,85/Kg      =

Contact the Supplier

Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product, it is obtained through the process of finely mincing of peeled bitter almond. Ideal as an ingredient for the preparation of many typical recipes (Such as amaretti cookies or almond paste), thanks to which it gives them a pleasant aroma, if eaten fresh, a moderate use is recommended due to the toxicity caused by the presence of amygdalin (Able to release hydrogen cyanide and present in the armellina of all stone fruit, that is peach, plum, cherry and apricot). Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. On our website there is a section dedicated to the description of all the phases of almond processing. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian bitter almond


1 Kilogram

$ 24,61      =

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Mandorle in guscio Bio in confezione da 5 Kg.


SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Tenuta Collotta

5 Kilograms

$ 27,27 $ 5,45/Kg      =

Contact the Supplier

Description Ingredients and Certificates


Raw and natural product. Excellent for garnishing sweet and salty dishe, it is obtained through the process of coarse mincing of the shelled hazelnut. Cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.


100% Untreated Sicilian hazelnut


500 grams

$ 11,64 $ 23,28/Kg      =

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500 grams

$ 10,91 $ 21,81/Kg      =

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Ingredients and Certificates




BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization


250 grams

$ 8,25 $ 32,98/Kg      =

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